The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1153: 1153

"Well, you all think about that one hundred Liang silver? They compensate the Wangs to save their reputation. Miss Niuniu has been mixing with men at such a young age, which has damaged the reputation of our Wang family. I don't know how much money it will cost to buy people's mouths

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If you're smart enough, you can leave immediately. If you stay here, it's OK. Anyway, you have nothing to do all day. I'll arrange some errands for you. Anyway, when the young lady grows up, she doesn't need to be looked after. There are many things in the Wang family, and they are just like workers. "

Xiaocui wiped her tears. "Housekeeper Wang, please have pity on our Miss..."

The last time miss had an accident, she was not around. It was because the Wang family took her as a rough cleaner to wash most of the Wang family's clothes, so she didn't care to take care of the young lady.

She can still cope with several duties. At night, she will return to the young lady and take care of her. If she is transferred out of her room, she will have no one to take care of her.

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However, she was afraid that she would not be able to survive. The five-year-old girl was as weak as the wind. In addition, she always had a persistent disease of sweating

Wang Qi snorted coldly, ignored her, and left with a swing of his sleeve.

Mrs. yinxiu was in a good mood today. She asked him to go to the pork shop in the middle of the street to buy pork elbow meat and have lunch at noon. She didn't care about the life and death of the master and servant.

Xiaocui can only rely on the door, silent tears.

She would like to secretly invite Dr. Zhou, but Dr. Zhou has a bad temper and loves money. He doesn't leave without money. Even if she does, she won't come back.

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When Xiaocui was in despair, suddenly, a cold and gentle voice came from the door.

"Hello, girl, the dog is not sensible and scared the young lady in your mansion. I specially brought the dog to come to make amends to the young lady. I don't know where the girl lives?"

A young woman in ordinary blue clothes still wears a blue headscarf on her head. Her facial features are just right, but she makes her look very comfortable.

With one hand, she led a four or five year old boy. She looked exquisite, like a doll in a new year's picture. Her clothes were more luxurious, like brocade like satin robes, and her embroidery was particularly beautiful.

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In one hand, she carried a food box, which seemed to contain some delicious food, and there was a faint fragrance.

Xiaocui wiped her tears and looked at the mother and son. They both knew each other.

Especially the boy, who is the culprit of scaring the sick lady, "our miss is seriously ill now. It's all you boys..."

After complaining, I remembered that they had paid a hundred taels of silver. It was only when Aunt Wang was in charge that she did not let the people in the main room feel better

Then I felt that I couldn't go on complaining. Was the box that I was carrying eaten? The boy's mother is good at cooking. Maybe Miss Niuniu will get better after eating her food?

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"Are you here for our lady? Come with me. "

Huan Qingyan leads Xiaobao to keep up with him, "yes, how can Niuniu girl be seriously ill?"

"I don't know. After I was sent back yesterday, I still recovered well. But I suddenly had a fever in the evening, and now the fever is still on The young lady is already confused. "

Unreal inclines Yan to listen to can't help eyebrow a lock, this shouldn't!

There is also Xiaobao heard such a saying, small face finally appeared a trace of movement and apology. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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