The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1156: 1156

Xiaocui is busy responding.

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Little girl, you are not allowed to leave Xiaoniu Bao! You are not allowed to leave. You are not allowed to leave me! You have to stay and help me until I forgive you. "

Xiaobao pointed to his nose and looked back, "are you sure?"

Niuniu has already taken the second mouthful of porridge, which makes her more energetic. "Yes, I want to make you look good, chop firewood, sweep the yard, water flowers and raise Rabbits Ten days, no, a hundred days! "

Huan Qingyan was dumbfounded. This little girl is really brave enough.

Xiaobao's own trouble, go and solve it yourself.

Cough a, "that mother went back first, you do the thing, oneself solves."

He walked away, and Xiaobao chased out, "mother, don't take such a thing, mother..."

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After several steps of chasing, he received the voice of Huan Qingyan's consciousness, "the Wang family is a little strange. It seems that someone wants to use you to frighten her this time. If there is something wrong with Niuniu, it is that you frighten her to death, and you have carried the black pot in vain She asked you to stay, to protect her integrity, your mother take good care of you

Xiao Bao stopped at once.

No matter how clever he is, he is still quite excited when he meets such a small plot for the first time in his life.

Mother, don't worry!

Xiaobao must complete the task, not only to ensure the safety of the target, but also to find out the murderer behind the scenes!

The flames of war are burning in Xiao Bao's heart.

Water the flowers, chop wood and sweep the floor!

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in the north of jueli mountain, it belongs to the territory of demon clan.

Not far from the mountain range, there is a section of crooked earth wall extending, which is inserted with some wood and so on. It looks like a wall.

Langshan is a small tribe.

There are not few demon clans in this tribe. They are three or four hundred. The leader of the tribe is a wolf of the first rank.

At night, the demons who had been running for a day fell asleep soundly.

Suddenly, the wolf leader was awakened by a rush of running.

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It ran out to have a look, and was surprised to find that there were a number of people rushing towards its tribe. At one time, it was impossible to count how many people there were!

"Ow --"

the wolf was frightened and howled.

But at this time it was too late, the dense figures had already rushed into the wall, and in an instant there were bursts of screams.

The coyote roared and rushed over.

These people's accomplishments are not too high. The highest one is the later period of the true spirit Master, which is one level lower than the mountain wolf.

The coyote snapped a few people, but it soon found that more people came to it.

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These people are all silent, even if they see the people in front of them all fall down, and the people behind them are all intrepid and continue to rush forward.

More and more people, just like the tide general, screams one after another, one after another.

Basically, it's all the voices of the demon clan. Although the Terrans have fallen a lot, none of them have made a sound.

"Who are these people?" The wolf leader's heart was cold. He was surprised and angry, but he was also puzzled. After careful inspection, he found that occasionally some people had unique emblems on their bodies.

The wolf leader was surprised, "this Baili family! Are these the dead men they trained in secret? "

No one came to solve its puzzles, some just kept on rushing up, and gradually almost piled it in.

"The war between the two clans of human and Demons has been suspended for a long time. Why do you want to attack our tribe?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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