The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1159: 1159


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"Ding! Congratulations on the host's cooking of the best delicacy jade soup

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, Jinjie, for being a master chef

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, Jinjie, for being a master chef

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, Jinjie, for being a master chef

Remind three times in a row, unreal Qing Yan all felt the space that excited boiling heart, cough.

Huan Qingyan is glad that he did not waste this rare spirit to plant the king corpse flower. Finally, he succeeded.

The corpse King flower has disappeared and turned into a bowl of green soup with five small beads floating on it.

"Ding, feicui Biyu decoction has certain toxicity resistance. It is suggested that the host should drink it immediately to increase the toxicity resistance."

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Huan Qingyan thinks that this is the soul dish made by Lingzhi. She wants to share it with Jimo Ya and Xiaobao.

"Ding! It is suggested that the host should drink it immediately. If you don't drink it within ten breath, it will produce severe toxicity immediately! And only if the producer drinks it, can it have the additional effect of toxic resistance. Other people drink it just like eating ordinary spiritual food It's five rest time! 6、 Seven, eight... "

Urge that call an urgent, unreal incline Yan this time, even if go out is too late.

Can only be tough, a head up to drink.

"Gudong, Gudong!"

Huan Qingyan felt that he drank a bowl of mellow, straight into the heart and lung, the whole human body cells become happy, there is a long lost satisfaction.

five little round beads are not as hard as they imagined, and they split open when they touch lightly. Suddenly, a more intense smell comes to the top. It seems that all the essence is concentrated in the beads, and the soup before is a foil.

This is not a gift of gratitude, not to mention the pungent taste. Huan Qingyan intuitively wants to cry

As a foodie, what is the greatest happiness?

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Huan Qingyan now knows.

This soup is really wonderful. The magic consciousness of your face is out of your body, floating and floating!

Floating to a dark place

Here is boundless darkness, cold and damp.

Huan Qingyan wanted to see other places, but found that he couldn't move.

It can only be fixed here.

Strangely, Huan Qingyan didn't feel hesitation and struggle at all, but stayed quietly.

In the boundless silence, there will be a section of picture occasionally in the consciousness.

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There are persistent cultivation, fighting with the enemy, wandering pride, laughing and drinking with friends, staying with lovers, and unforgettable with betrayal

Time goes by

I don't know how long it took, Huan Qingyan felt a spurt of strength, as if to break a shackle, a sudden upward rush!

She saw another picture.

It was still dark and cold, but the difference was that she saw a piece of land, just desolate and desolate.

She was shocked to find that she had become a young sprout!

The seedling is lack of sunshine, rain and dew, but it still thrives.

What does not change is that those scattered images still drill into her consciousness from time to time.

The earth is silent, the years are silent.

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The seedling is growing tenaciously and slowly.

Lonely days make people irritable.

Long term loneliness is more disturbing.

More distant loneliness, but let people precipitation.

Until one day, the seedlings grow into a spirit plant, quietly flowering


Huan Qingyan understands, the original origin of the corpse King flower, unexpectedly is like this! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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