The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1169: 1169

And then it closed and closed.

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Xiaobao slipped to the Wangs' place to play again.

Not long after the door was closed, there was a knock on the door.

Let's have a look at it, eh? How could it be the chief bodyguard Liu again!

Huan Qingyan opens the shop again.

Before he had time to ask questions, head dart Liu wanted to come forward and hold the sleeve of Huan Qingyan and go outside.

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But not yet close, the shadow of the phantom Qing Yan, has been far away from him.

The head of dart Liu looked at his jaw. He didn't expect that Huan Qingyan would flash so fast and his figure was so neat.

But this is not the time to focus on this.

Excited way, "this big sister, the thousand layer cake you make here is really excellent. My daughter-in-law vomits what she eats, but after eating your thousand layer cake, she doesn't vomit."

Huan Qingyan can't help but think of himself. When she was pregnant with Xiaobao, she was pregnant and vomiting.

This man is to love his wife, can have such a reckless action!

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So she planned to leave him alone for the time being.

If not, a strange man, to her so obviously aggressive action, she will certainly.

"I'm glad our snacks can help you. You can continue to buy them tomorrow."

Head dart Liu said bitterly, "sister, I can't wait until tomorrow. Can you do me a favor today and visit my daughter-in-law. I have been married to her for ten years, and I have no children. Whether I am at home or out of the house, I am criticized by others. My daughter-in-law suffers a lot! Now she's finally pregnant, and she's looking at it more than her own life. In case of pregnancy and vomiting, she may not be able to survive

Somehow, Liu's words remind Huan Qingyan of the feeling of a mother's love for her own flesh and blood when she gave birth to Xiaobao.

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It made her feel compassion.

"Have you ever had a doctor take care of her?"

"Yes, but it's no use. I know that you are new people, and have not had any contact with us before, but I beg you, our family really needs a baby's birth I give you money, as long as you take good care of my daughter-in-law's body and give birth to children smoothly, I will give you ten Liang silver! This is one or two silver in advance... " There's no way out, too.

Ten Liang silver, he would have to run for a year to earn it back.

Baoye's snack bar didn't come to town long ago. When he came back home a month ago, the shop didn't open.

Originally, he had a escort to escort. Before he left, he received the news that his daughter-in-law was pregnant. He was very excited. He rushed home all night and saw the painful scene of his daughter-in-law vomiting what she ate

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It didn't work to ask Dr. Zhou of the town to see it. He said it was a normal image. Just spit.

However, he did not vomit as usual. He heard that the newly opened Baoye snack shop was very delicious and even had the effect of nourishing one's health. So he took a try and bought a thousand layer cake to go back. As a result, he did not vomit this time and ate safely.

That's why it's coming again.

"I don't want money. I'm not a doctor. I just can make some snacks. I can't guarantee to cure your daughter-in-law's problems. I can only go with you to see the situation and allocate a prescription for pregnant women to eat."

The head of dart Liu was obviously disappointed, but then he thought that it was true. It would be good for someone else to help him to see his daughter-in-law. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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