The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1178: 1178

Huan Qingyan is almost going to take out his ears, "what?"

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The young man named Jinshan, who was just behind Li, stood up and said, "yes, I reported it. I have observed your snack bar secretly for a long time. You never go to the grocery street to buy flour, meat, vegetables and so on..."

"It has been several months since you moved to our nameless town. Business is booming every day, but you never add fresh ingredients. Where do you get the ingredients for your daily food?"

Lizheng often sends his family to buy the food of baoyetang. All the family like to eat it, but it's too expensive to afford it every day. However, it's not strange to baoyetang's food.

It's delicious, but hygiene and ingredients are also crucial.

You can't be careless.

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Therefore, after receiving the report from Jinshan, Li Zheng felt that he had to go and be responsible for the health of the people in nameless town.

Huan Qingyan sneers at herself, trying to find fault in this?

When it comes to the reason why we should limit sales, we should be lazy and do less. Secondly, considering the consumption capacity of nameless Town, not everyone can afford the food of baoyetang every day.

When she was able to sell Reiki food in the nameless Town, she wanted to benefit the people in this area, but she could not be too indulgent. She also had to stress a fate and control.

"That's why Li Zheng came here. Our snack bar is very popular with all the villagers. I never thought that someone would observe the source of our store's purchase secretly. It seems that there are many talented people in this small town. " The magic inclines a face to smile not to smile way.

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Jimo Ya does not speak, but also maintains a leisurely smile, such a small matter, he is a big man's house, and it seems that he is stingy to intervene.

After hearing this, Jinshan knows that Huan Qingyan is making fun of him, but he doesn't care, "you foreigners can open a shop in our nameless Town, but you should open a conscience shop. We, the folks in the nameless Town, can't be harmed by outsiders, don't they? "

At this time, the villagers, who had already finished their food and planned to leave, were surrounded by each other again.

The big guy also showed doubts.

"No? I think the food tastes good! It doesn't look like it's made of expired ingredients! "

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"Yes, can expired ingredients make such a delicious thing?"

"But then again, it seems that the elder sister has never gone to buy vegetables. Let alone steamed stuffed buns, at least they need cabbage. I remember that several times they were steamed stuffed buns with shredded pork and leek dumplings..."


When Jinshan heard some people questioning, his voice suddenly became louder, "yes, they have a lot of meat food, and they have never bought meat! There is only one butcher's shop in our town. I went to ask him. Butcher Zhang also wondered why baoyetang sold meat every day, but never bought meat at his house. Where did the meat come from? "

"There's flour. They haven't bought it. They haven't even been to the grocery store..."

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Do you want to steal in the middle of the night

"No, I haven't heard of anyone who is short of things! How big is our nameless town? If someone's house is stolen and doesn't make a few voices, we'll know all about it. "

"Did you steal it from a neighboring town? Their kids run so fast that they may be able to run back and forth in one night... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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