The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1182: 1182

Huan Qingyan looks at little girl's extremely pitiful tears big eyes, mother's love overflows, is very sympathetic.

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The child is still so young, if there is no mother, then I'm afraid it will be more difficult.

"OK, I'll help you to have a look."

If it can be cured, it will naturally help. If it can't be saved, it will be regarded as the best effort.

With tears in her eyes, Wang Niuniu said happily, "thank you very much. Auntie, please follow me to have a look..."

Xiaobao naturally followed, and several of his friends also wanted to follow. Xiaobao thought about it, but he didn't refuse. Maybe it's useful to take them with him.

There are so many servants in the Wang family. In case they are not welcome, he can let his younger brother make trouble.

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Jimo Ya didn't go with him. He kept watch at home.

He doesn't have to go with him. A divine sense can see everything.

Soon came to the Wangs.

Sure enough, the gatekeeper asked, "what do you do? Miss Niuniu, how did you get out? Mrs. silver sleeve is looking for you everywhere. How can you hang out with these people

Xiaobao suddenly understood why Wang Niuniu was so messy. She had crawled out of the dog hole he had dug.

Wang's family actually put Wang Niuniu under house arrest!

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How unreasonable!

"What's a gangster? Wang Niuniu is going to invite my mother to see a doctor. Get out of the way Xiao Bao shouts.

The two porters scoffed, "where do you come from! Go away quickly, and don't spoil our young lady. "

Huan Qingyan still smiles and doesn't tell them more. Holding Niu Niu's hand, she seems to be stepping up gently. The two servants who are still at the door can't help but let go.

Then, Huan Qingyan and Niuniu stepped in, and the two servants in the back reacted to catch up and were stopped by Xiaobao's brother group.

Wang Niuniu looked at Xiaobao worried and said to the two servants, "you dare not be nice to my friends. I will let my father sell you later."

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After scolding immediately led the magic Qing Yan all the way trot, went to the direction of the green bamboo courtyard where the mother lived.

At the gate of the green bamboo courtyard, there are maids guarding them, and they are both swept away by the magic Qingyan.

The courtyard is extremely shady, all are planted with fine sand bamboo, this bamboo has an inexplicable cold air, the whole yard is half covered.

In the courtyard where Wang Niuniu lives, Huan Qingyan has seen the flowers all over the courtyard. The flowers are too fragrant and not good for the growing children, which can lead to body deficiency, sweating and irritability.

Before, Huan Qingyan thought it was unintentionally planted. She gave Wang Niuniu food therapy and slowly removed the harm of flower fragrance to her.

Now, if you look at the courtyard where Mrs. Wang, who has never met and is in a bad situation, is living in a cold and overcast environment that the patients are most afraid of. It seems that someone in the Wang family has deliberately targeted the mother and daughter!

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"Miss Niuniu, your wife is seriously ill and needs to take a rest. What are you doing with someone irrelevant to disturb her?"

"The lady is so kind to the lady. She doesn't understand her at all. If this outsider knows about it, it's very unfilial..."

Guard at the door of the two maid see can not stop, catch up in the back.

"Shut up! You two, my mother will let her sell you as soon as she wakes up. "

Obviously, one of the two maids lost a white eye in the sky. In my heart, I have to wait until my wife has a chance to wake up. My wife has long been powerless

PS: it's Friday again in a flash. Have a good weekend! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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