The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1187: 1187

Even without the help of Mrs. Wang, yinxiu stopped cooking with her dream of taking charge of the great cause of the Wang family. She didn't let her take care of the small burden, so she just threw out the broken shoes.

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Yinxiu has no place to go, so he can only go to his big brother Jinshan's house.

Jinshan said angrily, "their Wang family is simply deceiving people! The elder sister did not have any merit in the Wang family, but also had a hard work. Now she is still pregnant with a child. His old Wang said that if it was not his child, it would not be his child? I don't think who taught him how to make alchemy and seek immortality at that time... "

Silver sleeve is also a pair of gnashing teeth and said, "don't worry, the master and I still have some kindness, I'll write a letter to my cousin first, let my cousin come to our town, first kill the family of baoyetang, and then, it's the good thing they've done to my mother."

The cousin in the silver cuff is not the real cousin of Jinshan yinxiu, but a practitioner passing by. He passed through the nameless town a few years ago and got in touch with yinxiu, and they recognized the hidden relationship between them.

"That's great. Uncle is a cultivator. He can deal with a few ordinary people, but his whereabouts are uncertain. Will he come?"

Silver sleeve is full of confidence, "of course, I will come. I have my own contact information. If the child in my stomach is not the master's, it should be his seed. He will certainly come..."

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Jinshan was also happy, "well, kill the three people in baoyetang, and then settle the Wangs together. If you want to turn the Wangs into the property of her sister, you don't have to look at people anymore. Once in a while, we'll have a lot of children with our cousin Wang

Jinshan's daughter-in-law is also happy to yearn for a way, "also, let's uncle take us Xiaoshan to practice, and become a big man in the future..."

"Yes, yes, that's it."

Silver sleeve cold hum, big family of nameless town? What is it?

She may fly out of this nameless town and follow the cultivators to the golden phoenix of other big cities and counties!


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in the middle of the yard, there is a big steaming barrel.

In the barrel, the green liquid is still bubbling.

Because below is a big steamer, the fire is burning well.

The cask is in the pot and Xiao Bao is in the bucket.

"Ah, ah, mother, don't you think it's cruel? What if I can't make it? "

This is Xiao Bao's voice.

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"What do you call me? Not every time? When did you hang up? "

Xiaobao turned his mouth, "Niang, you can't say that. I'm under a lot of pressure. What must I do? What should I call dad?"

"Release the pressure." Jimo Ya light road.

This boy is really weird. He knows a lot at a young age.

"Yes, yes, it's necessary to vent the pressure. I'm too young to hold too much..."

This kid still has some broken mouth, unreal Qing Yan secretly way, this is with who?

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Jimoya, um It doesn't seem right.

Do you have this problem? I don't think so?

Bubble medicine bath is really painful, such as being grilled on the fire, the whole body is in pain, but can not leave even for a while.

This kind of taste, the phantom inclines the face to be able to realize completely.

Although Xiao Bao is gifted, he is still young.

The temperature of the liquid medicine also increased with time, reaching Xiao Bao's tolerance limit every time.

PS: have a good weekend , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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