The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1189: 1189

If he had no chance, it would be too difficult for him to be promoted.

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It would be a good way for him to pick up valuable magic tools left by the dead, or those who can keep the skills for him when he is dying, or give free spiritual food to the soldiers in the holy yard.

As long as he is smart enough to save his life, the rest will be easy to say.

However, you must be a five-star spirit Master to be eligible for registration, which is the minimum requirement.

This broke Meng Yunhu's idea. He had to buy some spiritual food in a hurry and came back.

He opened the letter and saw that it was from silver sleeve.

Such as him, a spiritual master who wanders around the world, and women who have been married by dew can't count their hands. Especially some village maids who have not seen how to release Lingbao dew, they all think that he is a wonderful man of heaven and easy to get hold of.

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“…… Uncle Wang, you've been trapped by my cousin


Meng Yunhu was stunned. He devoted his whole life to the cause of cultivation. He did not have a wife or plan to have children. In a flash of life, more than 50 years passed. If he could not be promoted, his life span would not be much longer than that of ordinary people.

In their fifties, ordinary people are grandchildren running all over the place.

It seems that he can't do it all his life, or a descendant can inherit his incense.

However, he can not guarantee that the silver sleeve child is his, such a woman is too easy to get, who knows whose seed?

I'll go and have a look before.

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He is a three-star spirit Master. He has no problem dealing with a few ordinary people.

And the man in Wang's family was fooled by him on the road of alchemy and immortal cultivation, and he could go to the door to sell some new Fuwen refining methods and multi-purpose Rune paper.

Count it with one stone.


the opening of baoyetang was four or five days later.

These days, Huan Qingyan and Jimo Ya are constantly trying to get Xiaobao through meridians and lay a solid foundation for his body.

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Four or five days of bathing!

It's not finished yet, but it's in the end, so it's not a big problem.

Let his father jimoya to finish the work.

Baoyetang has been closed for a few days without any symptoms. The neighbors in the neighborhood have stopped doing anything. They knock on the door every day and block up at their door early in the morning.

Why is it not open today!

Fanqing Yan can not, forced by the villagers' strong demand, began normal business.

Anyway, Xiao Bao's business is coming to an end. After taking this medicine bath, his physical fitness will rise to a higher level. From now on, he will no longer need to take a medicine bath, and directly embark on the life of cultivation.

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"I'm sorry, everyone. These days, Xiaobao was ill and had a severe cold. So, I gave him shelter from the wind and didn't open the door."

"What do you do?" he said? It turns out that the child is sick! You don't put up a notice to tell us why. By the way, does it matter to children? "

"What? Is the boss sick? Is that ok? Boss, wait for me to get an egg for you

"Your house hasn't opened these days. My wife can't eat delicious food. She scolds me every day."

"And Mrs. Wang has come to your door several times with a big bag and a small bag, saying that she has come to thank you. Little lady, if you really have such great ability to save all the people who are dying?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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