The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1193: 1193

Fortunately, he just said a few critical words, and I don't know if others have taken it to heart.

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"No, uncle. What's the matter with you? What happened? " Silver sleeve is not stupid, was scolded like this, thought the matter is not strong.

"You can't make a decision for me. People can say a word to you, that's why your silver sleeve ancestors burned high incense. If you are smart, please come to your door and apologize! If you want to make any wrong ideas, you should die on your own, don't catch up with the Taoist master... "

Silver sleeve flustered, "uncle, who are they so fierce? Or my cousin doesn't want to help silver sleeve at all. It's uncle your child in the belly of silver sleeve! "

Meng Yunhu is now in a hurry and wants to leave nameless town.

No, the farther away, the better!

This place should still be within the scope of their divinity. As the saying goes, one must lose one's words. In case he violates the taboo of others, he will be responsible for his small life here.

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"Uncle, don't leave..." Silver sleeve drags him dead, does not let him go, she did not expect to be like this.

During the struggle, the silver sleeve was thrown far away, and my stomach just hit a stone. There was pain like tearing heart and lung, and a stream of blood flowed down.

Meng Yun's tiger eyes did not lift, nor moved.

He knew the village girl's mind and thought that he was a cultivator and wanted to climb his high branch.

If before, he didn't mind letting her climb and let her have children, but now

She was brave enough to provoke the two men.

This is definitely a disaster star. He doesn't want to have any trouble with her any more.

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Meng Yunhu left with a lot of shit.


Huan Qingyan closed the shop and entered the middle courtyard.

Xiaobao has stopped the Jin level and maintained to the five-star spirit Master!

Five big and bright stars are shining on the head of Xiaobao's four legged beast

Huan Qingyan looks at the four legged beast again, but can't see what kind of animal it is. It just feels like it's getting whiter?

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It used to be gray but not pulling. Now, the hair and skin are quite white. There are several black wavy lines on the forehead. It looks a bit handsome, and the eyes are bright and big

Of course, this is not true to see the shadow, the specific species, to wait for it to become true Lingbao, at least half of the entity, again.

Thinking that her pig Lingbao can be promoted into Phoenix, Huan Qingyan dare not say what kind of Lingbao her son is.

I can only say that everything is possible!

"My husband, how about it? I don't think it's going well just now Huan Qingyan said.

I just saw a vision outside. There's something wrong with the first star.

Jimo Ya is not far away from Xiaobao. Give him Dharma protection.

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At this time, slowly opened his eyes, "with the first time you lead the star feeling a bit like, the star some repulsion, but, no problem, pull back."

Xiaobao is a born spirit teacher. He is a spiritual teacher just after birth. He can lead the stars without guiding the star pool.

"Unreal inclines Yan a dumb," why can such

"I'm not sure. It may be genetic..."

Between, two people have opened their eyes

"Five star spirit Master! Oh, my God! It's developed this time! This is to beat the world's little friends invincible

"No, no, no, no, I want to keep a low profile. Children like me are rare in the world. Everyone is not allowed to rush out to be apprentices..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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