The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1196: 1196


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holy city.

Jimo Ya and Huan Qingyan take Xiaobao with them. Without the inspection of the guards at the gate of the city, they take the dragon spirit treasure and enter the holy yard.

The outside of the sanctuary is not as open as it used to be, so people can visit and play at will.

It's all sealed up, heavily fortified.

All kinds of battle lists were posted all over the holy city.

Huan Qingyan takes a glance, and part of it is to recruit more than five-star spirit masters to participate in the battlefield recruitment list.

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More importantly, there are all kinds of military medals, including demon killing list, honor list, team list, military merit list and encouragement

There are also some casualty bulletin boards.

The name of the casualty bulletin board, which is full of names, indicates the seriousness of the situation.

After a long journey, Xiaobao is tired. Now he is asleep. Jimoya is holding him. Xiaobao is calm. Jimoya is easy to hold up.

Huan Qingyan followed Jimo Ya behind, and they got off the flying mount and came to the center of the holy yard.

Lesson is waiting for the couple.

Huan Qingyan and his wife had seen the ceremony, and each of them had a greeting. Lesheng introduced the current situation once again.

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“…… The cause of the matter, no one expected that it would be caused by the disappearance of the mad Saint The Baili family sent a group of people to look for the mad saint, but they didn't come back and didn't know what the situation was. You may have heard a little about it. Many demon clans crossed the jueli mountains and slaughtered one of our personal border cities, and the fire of war was ignited. "

"Is the mad Saint still missing?" Jimoya couple after listening to the road.

"Yes, the situation of the old madman can't be detected at all. It seems to have disappeared in Lingbao land. This kind of situation, either perishes, or is trapped in some secret place, cannot come out. "

Lesheng is also worried. There are only a few and a half saints in the Terran. If one is less, the strength will be reduced by one point.

"Is there a long life lamp?"

Jimo Lai shook his head, "after arriving at the half saint, the meaning of the soul lamp like the long life lamp is not very big. As long as there is a trace of divine consciousness, the lamp of long life will not go out for thousands of years. "

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It means that even if people hang up, the light will still be on.

I understand.

"No one has been sent to investigate why the demon clan slaughtered the city? Has it not been more than ten years since the great truce between the two clans? "

"Some of the survivors came back to say that it was the people sent by the hundred Li family who slaughtered a small tribe of the mountain wolf tribe, which caused the war. However, none of the people sent out by the Baili family have disappeared. No one knows whether it is true or not. The wine saint and snow Saint have gone to the front battlefield to negotiate with the demon emperor. "

Huan Qing Yan really did not expect that things would evolve into this.

It's only a few months.

Crazy Saint at the beginning or to catch up with Bai CHENFENG, no trace of this, said, this series of things and her marriage with Jimo Ya things inseparable.

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Jimo Ya looks light, the eye light hidden complex light.

He holds the child, does not affect his Di Xian demeanor, handsome face, handsome upright posture, bright.

"Is there any task for the holy master to call us back?" Straight to the point.

This is not the time to be polite and polite. The bulletin board, the list of the number of dead and injured, and Huan Qingyan can be clearly scanned with divine sense. How can he not see the king spirit Master?

Demon clan, when he was a minor, he often went to the front two clan battlefield to kill demons. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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