The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1210: 1210

The king of ox horn didn't stop, and said angrily, "go away, don't you see this king is happy? I have to wait for the king to finish the good thing

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"Yes, yes, it's the little ones who don't know what to do. Let's go. Jimo Ya must have caught up with us. We'll walk by the side, not two kings."

A few pangolins a discussion, and a glance at the beautiful scene, ready to evacuate.

All of a sudden, is not enjoying the fox lady, the ox horn king to push away, "stop, you just said who came? Jimo


"Tell my wife the specific situation carefully, and hurry up..."



Heiyan city.

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It's a mess. The corpses of demon clan and Terran are mixed together.

The survivors are cleaning up and burning their bodies on the edge of the city wall. There is a lot of black smoke in the sky.

The spirit treasure with water attribute is cleaning up the blood on the ground.

Several Wang Lingshi of Shangguan Zhiduo are repairing and strengthening the array of black rock city.

As soon as the aura fluctuates, he receives a letter from Linghe.

It's from Jimo ya!

"That's great. A few young people have found the trace of the mad saint. Now they are going to look for the mad saint."

"This is really good news. Unfortunately, I have to defend Black Rock City, otherwise I will go too."

"Send this good news to other cities, so that the saints and kings in other cities will also be happy There is also a crane from the holy yard. "

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Several auras, go out.


Xun Sheng was guarding the holy stone. Every time someone gave the power to the stone, he had to stand by the stone.

In case of accidents.

When the power of the holy stone is given, it will cause confusion between the heaven and the earth. It is necessary to have the semi holy force to pull and suppress.

This belongs to the logistics work. Xun Sheng has been guarding the holy stone of the holy courtyard for thousands of years. He is responsible and responsible, and is familiar with and has feelings for each holy stone.

The power of the holy stone comes from the mysterious power of ancient times, and has always been the foundation of the human race.

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All of a sudden, after blessing, a sacred stone cracked with a crack.

Xun Sheng had a cool look.

Holy stone is also a kind of consumption. Although it is rarely used in ordinary times, it will be used only when the Terrans are in danger of life and death. However, once used, the number of times it can be used will be reduced.

Now, this cracked holy stone of spiritual strength will not be used many times.

And this war has just begun.

Can the Terrans survive this time?

Just then, Lessing came in.

"Good news for you, ya boy. They've found the trace of the old madman."

There was a flash of light in Xun's eyes. What about the bad news? "

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"Nanyuan city was lost and two Wang Lingshi were lost. Tuoba of Tuoba family was born and Jimo senming of Jimo family was..."

Nanyuan city is also a crucial border city.

Now they are lost, and two Wang Lingshi are dead!

Heavy losses!

Xun Sheng sighed, this war was fought inexplicably, and with an irresistible trend, the spread of the war was unimaginable.

"Have you heard from the witch lately?"

"The witch disappeared after escaping into the demon land. It was our carelessness that we thought we were in charge of her whereabouts and deliberately let her escape in order to draw out the magic eye behind her Ah, I wonder if this war has anything to do with the witch? I remind the demon emperors several times that it may be the witch who is making trouble in it. The demon clan doesn't listen to it. They think there is no demon clan in Lingbao land. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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