The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1218: 1218

However, some demon clan came out from the transmission array at the cave entrance, and she was ready to fight.

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Did not expect several demons will see her are detours, the first reaction is not to attack her.

Stay away from her.

Other people have killed many demon clans, but she seems to have killed only a few.

"Eh, Miss Baili, if you kill so little, you will earn very little honor of the Terran army. If you have such a good opportunity, the demon clan will be slow to respond for a certain period of time. Why don't you take the opportunity to kill more?" Murong Xinnuo's gentle voice.

All of them turned back to see Huan Qingyan.

"Miss Murong is right. Qing Qing, why don't you rob some demon people? This is a free military medal. The military medal is also very useful. You can go to the holy yard to exchange what you want." The dream of Shangqiu is rare to echo Murong Xinnuo.

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He also thinks that Murong Xinnuo is right. In order to be good, he should remind one or two more.

Maybe I don't know the key.

"It may be that Qingyan's sister saw that we were too cruel to grab it. Next time, Jiabao will give you a good position." Baili Jiabao covered her mouth and joked.

Jimo Ya sees the face of unreal Qing Yan some pale, give her a clean technique, the voice is as clear as the clear spring on the stone, "what's the matter? where are you not feeling well? Miss Xiaobao

Huan Qingyan shook his head, "I'm ok, I'm just Forget it I feel that something is wrong. I feel like I can't get my hands off.

She used to cooperate with jimoya in Heiyan city and killed many demon clans who invaded Heiyan city. It was because they hurt the Terrans of Heiyan city. She was angry for a moment

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Now these demon clans are slaughtered by them like a group of lambs to be slaughtered.

Jimo Ya was condescending and gently patted her on the shoulder, "you don't need kindness to deal with demon clan. Xiao Yan, if you meet the demon clan, you can kill it. The more, the better. "

Huan Qing Yan gently, um.

Jimo Ya said to the humanity around him, "now there are no demons coming in. They should be gathering teams. When they come in next time, they will certainly be no less than three demon kings. We don't have to spend any more here. It's time to go and look for treasure first."


There was no comment.

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The outside of the demon house looks like an ordinary black hole.

Actually come in, there's something else.

In front of them are many luxurious underground palaces, which can't be seen at the end, but from a distance, it looks like a serpentine.

The first underground palace was a bit dilapidated and should have been devastated, but it did not collapse.

Jimo Ya explained, "there are four underground palaces in the demon God's house. Each underground palace is full of organs and puppets guarding the underground palace. I only entered the first underground palace before..."

"Why, have you ever entered? When did you come in? " Shangqiu Mengqian and Nangong Beichen are both very surprised.

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They only heard that Jimo family came to seize the demon house, but failed.

Murong Xinnuo said with a sad and sad expression, "cousin, you have been missing for more than a year when you were a child. Can't it be that the snake emperor caught you in the demon God's house? It's so gloomy here. It's such a terrible place. Cousin, you suffer

When they heard of it, they all looked at each other. It was a secret that Jimo was caught by the snake king. The Jimo family did not disclose it to outsiders.

They didn't know, but when they heard about it, they were all sorts of conjectures except for their surprise.

Why did he not be killed after being imprisoned by the demon clan for more than a year? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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