The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1220: 1220

The fox Mei lady draws a voice way, "is the treacherous Terran set up ambush inside?"

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White dust seal in the fox lady arrived, the body hidden in the lion demon group, more secretive.

The White Lion King told the story half an hour ago.

The king of ox horn was even more contemptuous. "Just one king spirit Master and several Xuanling masters blocked your thousands of lion demon troops outside. Your lion clan is so capable, and you are still jumping around..."

Before he finished speaking, suddenly a huge pressure came from afar, pressing directly on the ox horn king.

The ox horn King's voice suddenly turned mute, his face suddenly changed, he was staggering, and his tall and strong body almost knelt down.

He said in horror, "it turns out that the lion emperor is here. It's an old bull who talks recklessly. Cough!"

"I won't let you two go in. Can you two safely enter the misty forest? Don't talk nonsense, immediately roll into the demon God's house, make concerted efforts to kill Jimo Ya of the Terran! As for the treasures in the demon house, how many treasures each collected will be left to the emperor. Do you know? "

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The voice of the lion emperor rolled like thunder.

The ox horn king answered immediately, "yes, yes, yes."

The rest of the demon clan were frightened to see this.

Only a big level, although the ox horn king is a demon queen period strong, and half emperor or separated by heaven.

This is strength!

The king of ox horn walked in front of him, followed by many demon clans. This time, everyone was prepared and opened the defense state before they dared to enter the demon god house.


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in the first underground palace.

The faint cold light refracted down from the broken four walls, looking pale and powerless, and afraid of the deep.

On the wall bowl big crack, inside the furnishings are gray black color, East and West, the corner is full of green black mold, occasionally poisonous insects quickly climb past.

There is not a single intact, complete ruin here.

"Is this an explosion? It's been destroyed so much that even if there are treasures, they can't be used. " The dream of Shangqiu looks around.

"It is said that when the snake emperor was dying, he detonated the demon God's house, which must be the first underground palace." Nangong Beichen analysis.

"Come on, there's nothing to see here." Jimo Ya light road.

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The crowd did not have a second word and followed him on.

"Why, what is that?"

As if he had found something, he looked into a corner, took two steps there, and reached for something.

Suddenly, there was a strange sound of "Wu --", and there was a circle of swirling air flow visible to the naked eye. It was as high as two feet. It turned very fast, and sent out a huge suction force, which pulled the hell away!

"Be careful!"

Jimo Ya has turned around when he opens his mouth. At the moment, his eyes are quick and his hands are quick, and he pulls the ghost dye evil.

But this distance is a little reluctant, he can't make much force, the dark dye evil is still a little bit to absorb the past!

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The suction of this vortex is unexpectedly strong!

"Brush!" The right sleeve that had been stretched out before the dark dye evil had been whirled into pieces and disappeared in a flash.

The front half of the right arm was covered with blood, as if it had been gouged by an iron sieve.

The dark dye evil gnaws his teeth and struggles with all his strength. His face is so red that he can't speak at all.

Jimo Ya eyes a sink, had to follow a small step forward.

He couldn't go any further because there was a whirlpool ahead. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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