The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1246: 1246

"You are wrong." Jimo Ya said, "it's not us, it's me."

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"You alone?"

Huan Qing Yan was surprised, "husband, I'm afraid it's very dangerous there."

Just now, she deeply felt the pressure, even if she was Wang Lingshi, but she felt that under the other party's hand, she might not even be able to take a move!

Jimo Ya clapped her hand, "there must be danger, but there are changes in the stars, and then it should be able to retreat back."

Then he looked up at the crowd and said, "you just felt the strength of each other. No matter how many of us are, it's useless. This is the demon God's house. It was originally the territory of the demon clan. The other party probably didn't like the Terran. If there were more people, there would be more bad luck. I would go to explore the situation first and then make plans. "

After listening to it, they all acquiesced.

In terms of escape, no one is better than Huan Qingyan's husband and wife.

"Then be careful."

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Although Huan Qing Yan is still a little worried, but also did not say what.

As a practitioner, adventure is essential.

Jimo Ya nodded, slightly sorted out, and slowly walked to the depth of the past.

The deeper you go, the darker it gets.

Soon, he saw a door.

This kind of temple also has the cave situation, he also saw many in the demon God mansion.

However, the cave in front of me is bigger, higher and more magnificent.

In short, a glance at the past makes people believe that it is the most important cave.

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It's a door, but there's no door.

It's just an arch.

Jimo Ya took a breath and went straight in.

This is a very wide cave, which is not so dark compared with the outside.

Jimo ya a door, was in the middle of an illusory figure attracted.

This is a serpentine monster. Its body is as large as jimoya has never seen before. However, it has wings on its back. Its head is the size of a dragon head!

It's the shape of the demon snake!

It is standing in the air at the moment.

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The object is no smaller than the snake, but more thick. It is hexagonal in shape and emits a faint light. The bronze surface is full of complicated patterns. In the middle of it is an ancient character: Ling.

Demon God order!

Rao is always calm Jimo ya, now also stare round eyes.

At this moment, he almost forgot the existence of the demon God and rushed forward!

After two steps, he calmed down and stopped abruptly.

At the same time, a broken wind sounded, and the black bluestone at his feet "puffed" opened a long gap, which was not bottomless!

You know, the whole demon house is covered with this kind of black bluestone.

But when he fought with the demon clan before, no one could leave a trace on the black bluestone!

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If he doesn't stop in time, I'm afraid half of his body will be destroyed!

Jimo Ya was shocked with a cold sweat.

"Terran boy!" The snake's empty shadow, its huge head stretched out some, and the red light of two points loomed. "Why don't you kneel down when you see this God?"

Without mentioning the incident, it seems that the blow was not made at all.

Jimo Ya concentration, "you are the demon family, not my elder, can kneel down!"

"Therefore, in return for your awakening of the God," the shadow raised his head, "you shall stay here forever."

Finish saying, also did not see it to have what action, a blood red light when head to Jimo Ya cover down, the speed is incomparably fast.

Not yet, that moment of pressure, almost let Jimo Ya move! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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