The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1257: 1257

Huan Qingyan wants to take out the demon God order from the storage ring

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As a result, she looked for a circle in the storage ring and didn't see the demon God order!

She thought that she was too nervous to see the wrong eye, again with the divine sense to explore again, still did not!

She remembers that at that time, Shangqiu Mengqian directly threw the demon God order to herself, and then she quickly pulled jimoya to retreat in order to avoid the impact of the explosion.

But the demon God order did not know what reason, but could not income space, instead let her trigger one of the mechanisms, the demon house disappeared.

The crowd then began to flee.

After that, all kinds of demon clans came to chase them. In the chaos of war, Huan Qingyan put the demon God order into the storage ring.

But now

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The cold sweat of Huan Qing Yan came out.

It's not right. The demon God makes the golden light shining. It's the size of the palm and the energy is very strong. You should be able to find it when you sweep your consciousness

Why not?

"What's the matter? Xiaoyan? " Jimo Ya was the first to see that there was something wrong with Huan Qing Yan. He could feel the anxiety and tension of Huan Qing Yan at this time.

The poison saint's look was dignified, and his eyes were burning at her.

Huan Qingyan looked for it several times with divine sense. The storage ring only had some clothes to change, some spiritual plants such as sweet potato, some spirit stones, several magic tools, and nothing else.

The demon God order is really gone!

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Under the full view of the public, Huan Qingyan was anxious to cry.

Had to be forced to say, "demon God order seems to be missing!"

Murong Xinnuo body a shudder, startled to lose color way, "how possibly disappeared? We all see that it's you who collected the ring. It's Mr. Shangqiu who took his life for it! Miss Baili, look for it carefully again... "

The rest of them were all in a daze.

"Is there any mistake? Such an important thing has disappeared. Why not take good care of it? "

"Where did it fall? If it is picked up by the demon clan, how can it be done? "

At the thought of this possibility, all the people could not help silence and were scared!

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Jimo Ya's voice was clear, "Xiao Yan, don't panic. Where did the demon God order go? Think about it."

Huan Qingyan's brain is in a mess. She has lost such an important thing as the demon God order, but she has no impression at all.

"I put a storage ring in it. It's not in it now."

Poison saint's face became more and more heavy, "come on, give me the ring, Ben Sheng, help you find..."

This kind of behavior is taboo at ordinary times, which is equivalent to body searching. A person's storage ring is equivalent to a person's privacy. It must not be seen. There are many secrets in it.

But in the magic Qing Yan's storage ring, things are very simple, but they are not afraid to be searched.

She gave the ring to the poison saint.

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Poison saint with a sense of a probe, the face more heavy two points, "really not."

Huan Qingyan's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, there is a very bad premonition, it seems that something is going to happen!

Her demon God order is clearly placed in the storage ring. Well, how can it fall? It can't fall!

But why is it gone?

Jimo Ya covered his chest, took a breath, and said, "holy Reverend, it may have fallen on the way by accident. Please give us a chance. We are willing to take you back to the original road to find out..."

Huan Qing Yan was distressed. He even tried to talk, "I'll go to find it. You'll have to close up and recuperate." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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