The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1270: 1270

"Hum! Boy, you've been wrong for a long time. " The lion demon emperor said angrily, "by you, you also want to fight against the emperor!"

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The other claw flashed cold light, directly to the nearby white dust seal to grab!

White dust is too late to avoid, conveniently picked up another hand of the demon God order to meet the past.

"Kara!" When the lion's full strength, the blood of the demon will open, and strike!

At the same time, I feel the power in the body like water, and rush to the demon God order!

"Ah --"

the lion demon emperor tried to break free in a hurry, but his palm was like a root. The body also can't make strength, as long as a trace of strength comes out, all was sucked by the demon God order.

White dust seal at the moment like chaff, just feel a strong force from the demon God order to come over, strong and domineering into his body!

His muscles and veins are swollen and painful, such as a dense needle constantly accumulating needles, but his body has a very comfortable feeling.

Pain and happiness in one.

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"Ha ha ha ha..."

In the end, he couldn't help but laugh, and tears kept flowing.

"What's going on?"

Behind many lion demon see wrong, immediately many rushed up.

"To the Emperor..." As soon as the lion demon emperor opened his mouth, he was surprised that he could not speak!

There is no strength to speak!

The lion demons had already seen clearly at the moment, and seized them to the white dust seal one after another.

"Ha ha ha ha..." The white dust seal in does not stop, one hand, actually will these lion demon all to fly out!

There are three lion demon kings here!

Later, some lion demons sprang up, but they were all sent away by the white dust seal.

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Seeing that he was so powerful, the demons could not help but stop.

For a long time, the demon God made the light converge. The originally powerful and majestic lion demon emperor, as if he had been emptied at the moment, was paralyzed and fell to the ground.

On the contrary, the white dust covered face is full of red light at this time. It feels that the power inside the body is magnificent and incomparable, and there is a sense of letting go of catharsis.

I don't know who yelled, "what kind of magic is this? This demon has sucked the lion emperor's power, my God! It's a magic trick. It's terrible. "

When people look at it, isn't it?

Even the lion emperor is shocked, it dare not seal with the white dust as the enemy, want to rush in, but it is too late.

I can't get rid of it.

Panic way, "white dust seal! What have you done to my emperor? "

"How about it? Nature wants you to die

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The lion king is down.

"Bold demon! How dare you kill my demon emperor! Death is unforgivable! "

Several lion demon kings saw the scene and yelled at them one after another.

"Hum!" White dust seal eyes a cold, suddenly moved!

A flower of the demon's eyes, you can see that the lion demons have been cut off their necks!

"You, you, you How can you be half powerful? "

"You monster! It's a lot of guts

"Lion King, how are you?"

The lion emperor has fallen to the ground, no sound, living by the white dust seal, using the demon God order to suck to death.

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White dust seal body change, hair dripping, windward on the rise.

Up to several feet tall, than the original lion emperor's real body, but also big!

In the eyes of the demons, with the arrogance of dominating the world, the eyes are ancient, just like the ancient big demons.

The crowd was silent.

In the blood nature of the demon clan, only the powerful are respected. The former lion emperor is dead, and now a new lion emperor is born

They have to do it if they don't!

"Who else?" Bai Zhifeng stood there, majestic, shouting.

The lion demons stepped back together.

"From now on, I will be your lion king!" White dust seal cold voice way, "do not accept, shoot to death!"

"Yes, my emperor!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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