The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1272: 1272

But after half a step, I fell to my knees. The injury was too heavy, too heavy.

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When he moved, he bled all over the place and his feathers were wet

The poisonous gas is flying in all directions, and its body is no less than 1000 kinds of poisons.

Some poisons are not very powerful, but they are too many. If you add poison to the poison, it will be more powerful if it is not severe.

Jimo Ya's heart is a pain, but he quickly get rid of this emotion.

This is a big demon. At the moment it turns into a demon, it is his mortal enemy.

Instead of his lover, he turned pale.

Or, he doesn't have such a lover at all!

"What do you mean by being close to me and deceiving me? Is it the same with my blood? Shameless demon clan, even this kind of disgusting and despicable method, you can also come up with it! " Jimo Ya scolded a person for the first time.

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The image of his childlike career has always been elegant. No matter how angry, he has never scolded people like this.

I always feel that no one can afford to scold him, and deserves his scolding.

Now he wanted to scold this shameless demon and deceive him of all his physical and mental feelings. Seeing her, he felt ashamed.

"What's the difference between you and the snake king? You demon clan's tricks are really endless, the demon God order things not exposed, do you want to continue to cheat my son for a hundred years? Is it a total of which day will this childe cheat to eat directly

"Demon girl, you steal the demon God order, which will damage our family's foundation. I will never forgive you in Jimo ya!"


The body of the big demon is full of despair and sadness when it looks at Jimo ya.

A line of blood and tears ran down his eyes.

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It penetrates into the feather and merges with the bloodstain on the feather.

"Chirp, tweet..." There was more than a whine.

I can't walk. I want to roll over.

There is a line of blood on the ground I can't roll anymore.

Stay in place, eyes tightly staring at Jimo ya, blood and tears.

Jimo's heart is cut out like a big hole, he is afraid of his soft heart, he is afraid of his more than 20 years of persistence and cognition into foam, collapse.

The dark and humid cave, the pair of evil eyes

The cold and powerless feeling of blood being sucked away by poisonous snakes

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What my father looked like before he died

An individual clan is killed by the demon clan, with countless deaths and injuries, and there are mountains of corpses

In the end, Jimo Ya's heart gradually cooled down.

If you are not of our own race, your heart will be different.

Different ways do not conspire with each other.

It's time for an end.

"Witch, at this juncture, do you still want to pretend to be pathetic? Put that disgusting thing away! Today I come to break the knot between you and me. I don't want to have anything to do with a demon clan... "

The big demon's eyes are full of despair and sadness.

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Struggling, want to shake the wings, issued a bleak cry.

"I forget that under your demon like state, you and I have no sense and use of concentric knots. It's the same whether you can solve it or not..."

Jimo Ya's eyes are indifferent. Before he finishes his heartless words, the big demon falls to the ground with his eyes closed, as if fainting in the past.

All of a sudden, Jimo Ya's heart is also like something in the non-stop collapse, his Qi and blood is unstable, reverse upwelling, a sweet fragrance gushing out.

A big mouthful of blood.

The five elders outside smelled the smell of Qi and blood and had to come in quickly.

Will Jimo ya to timely support, "ya boy, let you not angry, this period of time to calm down, you want to play dead yourself! I knew I wouldn't bring you. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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