The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1274: 1274

It's got a deep bloodstain.

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The pain swept the floor and the boy cried out, "it's really a demon. You're so rude and savage at a young age. Your mother is a big demon. Everyone saw her and threw her with a flying knife. Why don't you go to those people to revenge? We're just talking about it

Xiaobao is another claw and a deep bloodstain. "If you speak ill of my mother, I will tell my father! My mother is not a demon, and I am not a demon! "

The boy next to him pulled Xiaobao down and threw him on the ground.

"Lord Lesheng doesn't care about you. Your father doesn't want you any more. It's useless for you to complain to anyone. You are fierce and fierce! No matter how fierce you are, our brothers will beat you up. Anyway, you are a demon blood... "

The two boys clamored fiercely, but they still dare not fight back.

When Lesheng left, although he did not mention Xiaobao, he did not let them drive him out.

At present, the attitude of Jimo family is not clear. Otherwise, they would have beaten him to death. How could a six level little spirit Master tear his face like this?

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Xiaobao got up and said, "I don't believe it. My mother is not a demon..."

He did not care about the two boys, but turned and ran outside.

He's going to find her mother!

Who dares to bully his mother! He'll hit anyone!

The two boys didn't stop them. They sneered, "go ahead. Now you're locked up in the prison. You'd better tell everyone that the big demon who is locked up is your mother's mother. Then, you little bunny will be locked in together to let your mother and son reunite..."

Xiao Bao's head does not turn back to rush forward

Suddenly, I ran into a tall and familiar figure.

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Xiao Bao looked up and saw that the comer was dressed in a red robe with dark lines. He was extremely luxurious, with dark flowing light and black hair. He was meticulous. His facial features were exquisite, and his face was pale and haggard, with a complex look.

No wind automatic clothes, Lanzhi Yushu, bright, like stars, sun and moon, people can not move eyes.

It's his father, jimoya!

He had been strong enough to endure no tears, and suddenly he cried.

"Dad, there are bad guys..."

Jimo Ya is also slightly red eyes, trembling to hold up his son.

One side of the five elders want to reach out to help him take over, he declined and picked up with his own hands.

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He touched his head with his hand to pacify Xiaobao, who was crying bitterly.

When the two boys over there appeared in Jimo, they were all scared.

Looking at Jimo Ya's attitude towards Xiaobao, it's even more frightening. With a click, he kneels in front of Jimo ya.

"Young master Childe

Jimo Ya walked with Xiaobao in his arms. With each step closer, the two boys felt great pressure.

They can't breathe.

Three souls lost two souls, seven orifices only six orifices.

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Jimo Ya's voice is as cold as quenched ice, "those people outside, are you united in advance?"

This time, the two boys were sweating and felt the impending death.

Those people are all people who know Xiaobao's identity. There are big families and people who hold supreme anger and hatred towards the demon clan. The big demon is locked up in the prison, and they have no place to vent their anger and find Xiaobao.

But they couldn't get into the place where Le Saint lived.

Unless the kid goes out.

They are responsible for encouraging him to go out with words. As soon as he goes out, it is not their business to be beaten to death by the crowd. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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