The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1279: 1279

She didn't want to see Xiaobao, afraid of frightening him, afraid that he would also like Jimo ya, dislike him, abandon her, say something to let her fall into the abyss

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Xiaobao, in the next life, my mother will make up for you again. In this life, goodbye.


"Xiaoyan, wake up..."

"Xiaoyan, it's time for us to go home!"

"Xiaoyan, please restore your five senses and divine consciousness..."

"Xiao Yan, wake up, I'll take you home..."


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Does she have a home?

She has no home!

She has been wandering in Cang Lang's home, and she has not been in her home, but also in her home

"Xiao Yan, come home with me, our home, we are demon people, we don't stay in Terran territory, even if you want to die, you belong to the demon land..."

It's hazy

Demon land?

By the way! She is a big demon! She's going to die, she's going to die in a demon! She died in Terran territory. What if Xiaobao saw her?

"Xiaoyan, I'm Bai CHENFENG. I said that whenever I come to you I won't give up on you, Xiao Yan, wake up... "

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White dust seal? She felt a little relieved.

Huan Qing Yan gradually opened the heavy eyelids.

I was dizzy and couldn't see clearly.

"Xiaoyan, you finally wake up, very good, Xiaoyan, you did a great job, don't worry, slowly adapt to..."

White dust seal is a lion shaped, smooth fur, gentle expression, surprise, is gently and carefully combing her feathers.

Huan Qingyan reluctantly propped up her body. The wounds on her body were all under the warm big tongue of the white dust seal, licked clean, and some of them were scabbed.

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"White dust seal, am I dreaming..." The sound was still birdsong.

But the white dust seal understood, the fat brain bag arched toward her, "is not a dream, Xiaoyan, I come to take you home."

It's a special kind of animal language.

The white dust seal also sends out the lion to hum, but the phantom inclines the Yan to be able to understand.

This may be the common nature of the demons.

Suddenly, Huan Qingyan suddenly woke up and said, "how did you come here? This is the Terran prison! You go, you don't get caught... "

The lion touched the head of Huan Qingyan with his paw, "no, I came in on the right side. The half saint of Terran invited me to come. Don't worry. I'll take you out of the holy city. If you still have the strength, you can fly three times in the holy city. No problem... "

She can understand her suspicions.

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But it was impossible to rob her from the prison.

She didn't want to involve him any more.

"White dust seal, I accept your kindness. I don't want to leave. That's it. Thank you."

The lion let out a roar, shaking the prison.

"Xiaoyan, do you want to stay here to die? You are the noble Phoenix family among the demon clans. Why do you want to be willing to damage in this dark place for the sake of a man? "

Fantasy Qing Yan thought of Jimo ya, her heart again hurt to pull up.

"Xiaoyan, jimoya, because you are a demon family, he gave up you, so you are willing to sink? It's just a human race, just like a mole ant. If you are born with the spirit of the God Phoenix family, if someone negates you and humiliates you, you will have to live even better than them! "

The big lion's voice is cold and merciless, such as a handful of cold water in his pocket, which strengthens his will to survive. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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