The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1285: 1285

She is alone in Lingbao mainland, no sense of belonging Xiaoyan, because of herself, just strive to stay here, for their own efforts to become stronger!

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Isn't everything she should know best? If it is really a demon clan, it is also the original body master, and the reborn daughter is the demon clan!

What's the relationship with Xiaoyan? She is just a ghost from another world. She chose to stay in Lingbao land because of herself.

Jimo Ya thought of here, the face suddenly pale, the spirit of the whole person suddenly withered down.

"I was wrong! I was wrong! Xiaoyan Xiaoyan... "

Pain through the heart, lingering into the bone.

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He's a bastard blinded by racial hatred!

As a member of the same heart knot, he was painfully reduced to cultivation, and Xiaoyan, as a party, how did she dig out the concentric knot in her body?

How much pain did you suffer?

No, he's going to find her now. He's going to find her, help his son find his mother, fight, scold, kill, let her handle it, as long as she can forgive him

The pain of the body and the pain of the soul make Jimo only take two steps, and the whole person falls to the door

Xiaobao jumped up from the door and said, "Dad, Dad, what's wrong with you? Wuwu, Xiaobao is so scared..."

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The dark Wei quickly carried Jimo Ya into the fairy pool again.



Several semi saints, dignified looking at kneeling Murong Xinnuo.

At the moment, her face was sad and tearful. It seemed that she had no strength to sit up. She was weak and boneless, half lying on the ground, and only crying out injustice. She was determined not to know any seductive lady and not to collude with the demon clan.

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All this is the demon clan in order to save the magic Qing Yan just deliberately push themselves out.

In addition to the mad saint, the wine saint was the most irascible saint. Seeing Murong Xinnuo's behavior, he was very unhappy in his heart.

Although he was afraid of the demon clan, the white demon emperor took the demon God order to exchange for the illusion of Qing Yan. Did he need to injustice her as a weak woman?

If it wasn't for Murong Xinnuo's examination, he would have been furious.

At the moment, I can't bear it. Since the demon emperor has identified her, she is always suspected. She should be locked into the dungeon first.

Waving his hand to the bodyguard to take Murong Xinnuo down, Nangong Beichen, who had been silent beside him, stood out: "master Jiusheng, since Murong girl has not detected the evil spirit, and the white demon Emperor may have known that it was Murong girl who revealed the identity of the demon family, so he deliberately said so.

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What's more, the identity of the demon clan has been determined. If Murong girl is imprisoned at this moment, I'm afraid it will cause unnecessary misunderstanding and disturbance. Please forgive me and let me take Murong back.

Please don't worry. As the leader of Nangong clan, I will take Murong girl with me all the time. No one can take advantage of it! Please give your consent! "

The words are not humble or arrogant, but the meaning is very clear, is to use the Nangong clan to protect Murong Xinnuo.

Not to mention a few saints, only Murong Xinnuo listened to Nangong Beichen's words. His eyes were full of color. He looked at Nangong Beichen with a pair of eyes. He looked at Nangong Beichen with a coquettish half low head, revealing the red cinnabar mole between his eyebrows. Don't add a bit of charm.

The wine saint was so angry that he was not willing to listen to Nangong Beichen's words. He was about to open his mouth and was stopped by Lesheng. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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