The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1311: 1311

With a light drink, he crunched his knuckles, and his body was several times stronger in an instant. His muscles under his clothes were so swollen that he almost cracked his clothes.

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Exposed in the clothes outside of the arm, now has demonized, covered with golden hair, cold claws.

On the mountain wall, a few black shadows darted down. They fell on the side of the white dust and surrounded him.

They are all demon kings.

White dust seal or wind clear cloud light expression, Xiaoyan adult said relieved, according to white dust seal, now this demon world only he a demon emperor, the rest of the demon emperor are closed, no one can do anything about him.

So Xiaoyan plans to stay the same as before, or go to sleep. When she wakes up, Bai CHENFENG is estimated to have finished the battle.

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So lazily stretched out his wings and patted the white dust sealed shoulder: "come on, my adult takes good care of you!"

It's pre war encouragement, then close your eyes and have a rest.

When Bai CHENFENG looks at Xiaoyan, he can't help turning soft. Then he looks at several demon kings who surround him. His face is cold, and he doesn't talk nonsense. He pours at him directly.

As soon as the white dust seal started, the several demon kings exchanged their looks. They had the ability to impact the demon emperor, and they practiced for a period of time, which was tacit understanding.

It was a good match between advance and retreat. For a while, it was a match.

White dust seal eyes a congealed, it is put away carelessness, it seems that those who do not like their own demon is the next blood.

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At present several demon kings, I'm afraid they are the top experts of the demon species they can gather. Is this to make them die today?

These demon kings are all killed in the fire in blood, and after years, they are more old-fashioned than white dust laden.

During the attack, there were endless murders, one ring at a time. Although he couldn't do nothing to seal the white dust, he was also somewhat tied up.

This even in the face of the old lion emperor has not been frustrated, let white dust seal the heart of the real fire pour was forced out a few points.

With a few demon kings, even want to trap themselves?

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A sneer, white dust seal hands aura flash, two hands raised, right and left immediately rushed up two demon king, left and right pinch.

These two demon king's offensive soft, unconsciously, let the white dust sealed hand closed in a certain space, can not take into account other.

At this moment, there was no movement in the dark river, a green light flashed, even broke through the white dust sealed spiritual cover, rolled up the little Yan adult on his shoulder, "whoosh" sound, far away to the other end of the valley.

At the other end, behind the dark rock, a leopard demon jumped out, picked up Xiaoyan, who was dizzy and had not yet recovered. He ran away with his feet and disappeared in an instant.

All this happened between the electric light and flint.

When Bai Shifeng came back to God, he suddenly realized that all this was a trap. They didn't come for him at all. Today's goal is to take Xiaoyan away.

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Damn it! The eyes of the white dust seal began to turn red.

Even if you deal with yourself, even if you dare to deal with Xiaoyan, you don't want to live.

The white dust seal body suddenly stops, does not dodge, directly meets one of the demon king's palm.

This palm, almost destroying the withered and decaying, fell on the white dust sealed body. He only slightly shook it, revealing a strange and murderous smile.

"All the people perish -" three words from his mouth, along the three words, is a mouthful of blood essence. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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