The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1328: 1328

Jimo impermanence also drooped his eyes. In fact, he felt that Jimo Ya could not support the Jimo family. However, he couldn't say it when he thought of the contribution of ya boy. It seemed that he was too cold and thin as the patriarch.

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Jimo didn't want to be outdone: "as a member of Jimo family, since he was born, we have devoted our whole family to training him. Isn't it proper for him to contribute to his family? Who is to blame for his coming to the field now? Is it our fault that he wants to marry a demon girl and be cheated by her? He has won honor for the family, but the family has also paid for him. Is it possible that every child who pays for the family should be the head of the clan? "

"You --" Jimo was angry. Looking at Jimo's unwillingness to act like this, suddenly the blessing came to light: "you talk about it, but you want to be the patriarch? Why suppress ya Xiaozi to highlight yourself

Jimo has no intention to admit frankly: "I want to be the patriarch, but I have no selfish intention. I am dedicated to Jimo family! Now Jimo family is weak. If you let ya Xiaozi be the patriarch, our family will be oppressed by Nangong family in the future. What's more, ya boy married a demon girl and gave birth to a child of mixed blood, which is his biggest stain. In the future, when there are disputes between the two clans, how can he choose? How to choose the position of Jimo?

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I don't expect you to understand my painstaking efforts, but I have a clear conscience! "

Jimo a complex turn to see the impermanence of Jimo on the bed, see he also has the color of heart, is obviously moved by Jimo unintentional words.

He swept the whole court coldly, except one or two elders who couldn't bear it, the others all showed their approval.

If you don't want to fight for the right, you can't forget it A reputation? "

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Jimo impermanence immediately opened his mouth and said: "that's natural. Ya Xiaozi has made great contributions to our Jimo family. Even if he can't become the patriarch, he is also the first elder. They are not under the jurisdiction of the patriarch, have a detached status, enjoy the treatment of the patriarch, and enjoy all preferential treatment! "

Jimo has no intention. As long as he gets the position of patriarch and the power is in hand, what is an elder who can't turn the waves? Whether the first elder or the patriarch's treatment, they are all false names.

It's a good response.

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The big event has been decided, and Jimo has become more and more complicated. The elders and the former and new clan leaders write their promises in public. They put away the letter of commitment, look around, and leave with their sleeves.

The courtyard of jimoya.

Jimo Yifan, with a face of shame, took out the promise and put it in front of Jimo ya, almost afraid to look at his face: "the next clan leader has been decided, and the succession ceremony will be held soon. Ya boy, you You will be the first elder of our family, not under the jurisdiction of the patriarch, enjoy the treatment of the patriarch I Alas The family is sorry for you... "

Jimo Ya eyes from the paper promise on the light floating back, facial expression did not move, facial expression calm as before.

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Even the radian of the mouth did not change, only said a light sentence: "expected things, the elder do not have to feel guilty, thank the elder for my efforts, so high!"

Jimo Yifan was even more bashful and flustered. This sentence almost hit all of them in Jimo's family, but he couldn't even say his excuse. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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