The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1337: 1337

Xiaoyan said that he was hurt by 10000 points! As the Phoenix, she can't fly! Shame of Phoenix!

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Finally, the eagle demon king coaxed away those young birds, slowed down the speed, and took Xiaoyan adult and radish demon to fly forward.

Tall trees, lush, shade, like a huge umbrella, standing there.

Along the way, Xiaoyan saw that there were exquisite wooden houses hanging on the thick branches of each big tree. The wooden houses had a big door and wide windows, which were convenient for the birds and demons to enter and leave.

As soon as the wind blows, those wooden houses are still floating with the wind, and there are bird demons shuttling in and out of the wooden houses from time to time.

Now it is getting dark, these wooden houses gradually light up, look at the past, like a huge lantern, under the night, the breeze blowing, as if the Milky Way fell into this forest, beautiful.

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The king of the eagle demon took Xiaoyan and the radish demon under a tree and flew into a wooden house that had not been lighted.

After entering the house, the eagle demon king pressed down somewhere in the middle of the house, and a soft and bright light fell from the roof.

Mr. Yan looked around the wooden house. It was not big outside. It was quite large inside, but it was very open. There was no other furnishings except for a few bird's nests woven with special soft grass.

Good. It's a bird race.

Xiaoyan is a little square. The bird house looks so delicate outside, but the inside is too simple, isn't it?

The eagle demon king felt a little embarrassed in the frank and frank eyes of Xiaoyan.

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They originally live in a bird's nest. In addition to sleeping at night, they usually stay in the nest for a short time. They basically fly outside, play and practice.

So the basic quality of living is not much pursuit.

This is a very common thing. I don't know why, seeing Xiaoyan's performance, the eagle demon king felt a bit guilty.

He felt that he must have been flying too far, and when he came back, he was confused by the cubs.

In a hurry to introduce the furnishings of the house, there is nothing to introduce, only a mechanism to light up the Yingshi in the house.

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Then they told them to go to bed early and get up early and go to school tomorrow.

The eagle demon king was a bit of a fugitive.

As soon as the eagle demon king left, the radish demon struggled out from the pain of the dizzy bird. He first offered Xiaoyan some delicious food and let her rest at one side.

She used to be used to the daily necessities, in the house layout display.

The two talents occupy a bird's nest to rest.

In the dark, Xiaoyan adult was silent for a while, then opened his mouth: "Xiaoqing, now I have only you around you."

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The voice of radish demon rang out not far away: "Xiao Yan, don't worry, as long as I still have one breath, I will never let adults suffer a little injustice!"

The tone is flat, but it reveals a kind of extraordinary determination, especially reliable feeling.

Xiao Yan put his heart down and told him, "tomorrow morning, I'll make my favorite barbecue!" After, just slowly entered the dreamland.

In the bird's nest not far away from her, the radish demon half sat up, a pair of shining eyes were particularly dazzling in the night, looking at Xiao Yan, who was sleeping, and sighed slowly

The next morning, the eagle demon king came to pick up the bird early, and said that he would take Xiao Yan to school. The radish demon, an unrelated demon, should not join in the fun. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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