The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1339: 1339

Mr. Xiaoyan has now entered the Cultivation College, where only the most basic and key cultivation methods are taught.

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Firm the foundation of the young birds, so that they will not be infected with heart demons in the future.

It is said that these cultivation methods were jointly created by several bird demon kings many years ago for the future of bird tribe.

It is said that the effect may not be obvious in the early stage, but in the later stage, it is very beneficial to practice.

Because of Nirvana, master Xiaoyan seems to have reached a very high level in the past. The speed of her practice is amazing.

Such an amazing speed, but there is a hidden danger, that is, the foundation is not solid.

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In her honest after learning this method, the heart moved, immediately rushed back to the cottage.

In the cottage, the radish demon saw her in a hurry, and immediately met her. After checking her whole body, she asked, "what's the matter?"

When Xiao Yan came back to the hut, his nervous tension was relaxed and almost collapsed into the bird's nest.

She was shaking and her feathers were as bright as blood.

It was not easy to squeeze out a sentence from the throat: "I am going to change shape!"

Radish demon a Leng, the whole radish body stiff for a long time, just come back to God.

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The quick reaction came over, "Hoo --" for a moment, threw out a radish whisker, and closed the door and window tightly.

Then carefully close to the bird's nest, watching closed eyes, trembling all over, gorgeous feathers, the whole bird sent out amazing heat.

The bird's nest under her and the whole house seemed to be burning with this sudden heat.

In particular, the radish on the surface of the radish, especially the dried radish, has become smooth and smooth.

In particular, the radish demon did not step back, but came forward against the scorching heat and carefully observed the situation of Xiaoyan.

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Fortunately, the heat came and went suddenly.

The red light in the bird's nest was so red that the radish demon could not open his eyes.

When the red light faded away, the radish demon opened his eyes, which were stimulated to tears, and looked at the bird's nest in a hurry.

In the bird's nest, what lay now was not the familiar bird, but a delicate little girl in red, who was slowly raising her head.

Just on the radish demon's line of sight, the radish demon was immediately stunned, Lengleng Leng looked at the transformation into human form of Xiaoyan adults.

Always plain eyes, now seems to be full of a lot of complex emotions, it is difficult to describe.

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Xiaoyan was not used to it for the first time. She twisted her head and looked at her whole body. Her red feathers turned into a luxurious and elegant skirt with water sleeves and pleated phoenix tail. When she was in action, the golden light of the skirt's corners appeared from time to time, which was very beautiful.

I wanted to ask the radish demon what kind of image he was after his transformation, but he seemed to look silly. The God of half heaven didn't keep his house and asked lazily.

Directly into a large water mirror in front of you, you can shine people will be brilliant.

She looked up to the little girl in red in the mirror.

This little girl, a pair of beautiful willow eyebrows, beautiful and fresh, a pair of Phoenix eyes, cool and proud smart.

If the skin is coagulated with fat, the whole person is charming and charming, and the corners of the mouth have a light coldness, which makes the charming beauty noble and aloof. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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