The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1359: 1359

In fact, they are not to blame. Who could have thought that someone would dare to make a sudden attack when the saints gathered together?

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Looking at the whole continent, in addition to the demon clan, any saint is the highest existence!

A light voice came, "old friend."

Old friends?

In people's doubts, a group of colorful rays appeared above the holy courtyard.

Xiaguang scattered, revealing the incomparable Phoenix inside, and the lion emperor white dust seal.

Is it an old friend?

All the people below the sanctuary were the elite of the Terran. Most of them guessed what was going on in front of them, and all kinds of discussions broke out.

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The faces of the saints above are complex and mixed.

Now it seems that, in nine out of ten, the vision from the demon land is the reason for the Phoenix.

"Is it a hundred mile girl?"

Although there is speculation based on various clues, the poison Saint still asked.

"Why, don't you feel guilty when you see me?"

The body of the Phoenix, which is full of illusory beauty, always sends out a noble and arrogant look at the world. The space around the body is distorted and changeable at any time, which makes people can't see the truth clearly.

When the saints saw it, they were awe stricken.

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The legendary Phoenix, indeed, has this strength to be awed by.

When the poison Saint heard the words, he was immediately embarrassed.

Since the white dust seal with the demon God order to change the magic Qing Yan, his heart has doubts.

I suspect that I have misunderstood Huan Qingyan.

Then a series of things happened, until later with Shangqiu Mengqian rumors, he was sure that he really misunderstood.

To say that he is not guilty, it is false, but he thinks that there is nothing wrong with him. If he is not my race, his heart will be different.

However, now see her momentum now, in fact, even he a half Saint feel ashamed, really can not be underestimated.

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However, considering the rumor, Shangqiu boy resurrected in the demon land

The poison saint can only pull down his face and continue to say, "cough! Cough! It's said that my Shangqiu Mengqian is in the hands of Baili girl? "

Huan Qingyan looks at him coldly.

The lion emperor Bai Chen stood up in the air, his eyes were majestic, and he slowly inspected the audience. He chuckled, "poison saint, your message is very smart. Yes, master Shangqiu is in the hands of our demon family. We are not as cruel as poison saint. We will bind Shangqiu dream thousand for the demon family's children to vent their anger and draw people's hearts together."

poison saint's old face is red.

At that time, he really had such a mind. When the Terran was in crisis, he caught a big demon to let the bereaved and angry Terrans vent their anger, calm their hearts and inspire their fighting spirit.

From the standpoint of the human race, this is not too much.

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But from the perspective of demon clan, it is too spicy.

"One thing is one thing. We Shangqiu Mengqian also died to save people. If you have a friendship with Fenghuang, Fenghuang has any dissatisfaction with me. Please don't be angry with Mengqian."

The huge Phoenix shadow sends out a motley halo, which is as gorgeous as a rainbow, and the beauty is fascinating.

"Thank you for remembering Shangqiu Mengqian's friendship with me. That's why the Terrans are cunning! When you need it, you will have friendship. When you don't need it, you will turn your face and ruthlessly, and your means will be cruel! Poison saint, you have inherited the shameless gene of the Terran. You have played very well. I have seen it. "

Poison Saint choked and his face changed.

The majestic Phoenix emperor and lion emperor in mid air are also aggressive, with irony and coldness.

The holy city has a great ban, demon clan can not get close to it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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