The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1365: 1365

"Ha ha ha, speak freely. Only the demon family is worthy of the Lord of the world! This spirit is willing to submit to the Lord of Wanyao, the God of Fenghuang! "

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The golden light gallops to come, is illusory inclines the Yan to grasp conveniently in the hand!

Take a closer look, demon God order!

It's really a demon order!

The God's voice is not the real one.

Huan Qingyan had been ordered by the demon God before, because at that time he was still a human being, and his cultivation was low. The demon God order had no response at all. It turned out that there were demons on the demon God order, so it needed to recognize the Lord voluntarily.

It's just a mistake. It's a surprise.

Huan Qing Yan holds the demon God order, motionless, a sound of thunder like sound from far to near.

To the north of the mountain, it seems that there are hundreds of millions of roars!

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Half the continent seems to be boiling!

Demon God order in hand, Wanyao surrender!


Jimo Ya left the holy city, immediately follow the Murong Xinnuo residual breath, chase out of the city.

Fortunately, he thought it was timely. Otherwise, the breath would be gone.

But after a while, the breath disappeared.

While he was searching around anxiously, he found that he had broken into a dark place without knowing when.

There is no day and night here, and everywhere is filled with strange evil spirit, which makes people uncomfortable.

I don't know why muno is in such a place.

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So even though we knew it was dangerous, we had to search step by step.

But after a few steps, a dark shadow pounced on him!

"Who are you?"

Jimo Ya is on guard all the time. Naturally, he sees it. He waves his pen to block the next blow and asks loudly.

Because from the body shape, this is a human race.

But the shadow did not answer, and did not even pause. He continued to attack.

However, his body is a little stiff, and his movements are not coherent. He looks like a puppet.

Jimo ya a few strokes on the black shadow stabbed to the ground.

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A closer look, really is a person, but Jimo Ya does not know.

The weirdest thing is that a trace of evil Qi is slowly escaping from its body!

"Is it the invasion of evil spirit?"

This demon clan is really weird. Even the aura of Terran cultivation has been turned into evil spirit.

What's more, it seems that after being invaded by the evil Qi, his behavior is completely unconscious and completely manipulated by the evil Qi. He is simply a puppet of a demon man.

Jimo Ya continued to move forward and was attacked by some demonic puppets, which made him confirm his speculation.

Jimo Ya is more anxious.

If Xiaobao is also in this, what can we do?

But now he can't bear to think more, because there are more and more demonic puppets.

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Jimoya is in the devil's land. It consumes too much, but the aura needed is not replenished, and the mind is getting faint

It seems that the witch is going to demonize herself!

Jimo ya think about the current situation, now can only rely on the storage of some spiritual dishes in the ring to maintain.

Speaking of these spiritual dishes, there are many of them that Huan Qingyan gave him before. He hasn't opened them recently.

Seeing things and thinking about people makes Jimo ya feel more melancholy.

But the past can not be traced. Now the most important thing is to find Xiaobao.

In any case, before you see Xiaobao, you can't fall down!

Jimo Ya tried his best to bite his teeth, and blood broke out between his teeth, which made him a little sober.

I don't know how long it took, Jimo Ya felt wrong. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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