The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1383: 1383

"What's the situation? "Xun Sheng asked quickly.

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"It's full of evil Qi. There are demons, demons, and even demons. There are a lot of them. "Xue Sheng's eyebrows are locked." I don't want to talk about these things. There is a giant sarcomatous strange thing inside. It seems that it can make demons, devour people's essence and blood, and turn them into their own strength. Their strength is very strong! "

" the old poison is swallowed by it! "

everyone was shocked.

Especially the people of Shangqiu family are like hearing a bolt from the blue!

Poison saint is dead, too?

This operation is a heavy loss!

The only good news is that we have found out the details of magic eye.

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They all looked at the witch on the ground.

Murong Xinnuo also relaxed at this time, a pair of venomous eyes staring at Nangong Beichen.

"Trap her! "

Xun Sheng had a drink and was about to start when Murong Xinnuo suddenly turned around and his magic eye opened again!

However, this time, on the contrary, the evil Qi outside has been inhaled into the magic eye.

Murong Xinnuo's whole body is covered by evil Qi, and no human figure can be seen.

The attack of the saints failed again. At least, there was no strange movement in it.

"Nangong Beichen, you are cruel! You don't want your own life. I think of tearing the knot. Hum, I won't let you go! Next time, you will be killed! "

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Murong Xinnuo left a vicious sentence," swelling! "The sound, turned into a burst of black smoke, shot out quickly, and disappeared in the horizon in the blink of an eye!

"Let her run! "The drunkard and the mad Saint were not reconciled and quickly chased after them.

But in nine cases out of ten, we can't catch up.

Xun Sheng took a step forward and explored Nangong Beichen's breath and breathed a long sigh of relief. "Fortunately, fortunately, the child is still alive. "

there is admiration in everyone's eyes. Today, if there is no such magic trick as Nangong Beichen, the situation can not be imagined.

The drunkard chased after the devil's eye, and Laisheng arranged for someone to serve the seriously injured snow saint and the comatose Nangong Beichen to recuperate.

The white dust seal protects the unreal Qingyan, who is not relieved for a while. Huan Qingyan is holding a comatose treasure in her arms, tightly, and shaking all over

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In front of my eyes, I kept flashing over Jimo ya. At the last moment of my life, I gazed at her and Xiao Bao's eyes.

Sadness, relief, extremely complex, unspeakable.

Huan Qingyan found that the blood mole on her arm was gradually disappearing

Yes, Jimo Ya is dead, and her blood oath has been invalid.

No more.

It doesn't exist.

The gratitude and resentment between her and him were completely relieved.

Empty heart

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Confused and empty, nothing to rely on.

Today, she has only her son Xiaobao. She will never be separated from her son again.


Jimo Anning only felt that she had a long dream. In the dream, she seemed to see her mother, and then she was surrounded by warmth, which seemed to return to her mother's arms.

He just wanted to indulge in this beautiful dream and didn't want to wake up. Deep in his mind, he knew clearly that Murong Xinnuo had cheated him to this place full of evil gas. Although he had the natural restraint effect of Lingbao, he could not hold on for long.

He was tired and his mother was missing. His father seemed to be determined to die, but to give him more protection, or to make atonement, he forced himself to live like a corpse.

Once a family of three how happy, now the disintegration of how painful despair.

He repressed his missing for his mother, but also tacitly revealed his best side with his father to let the other side rest assured. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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