The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1388: 1388

In his whole life, the father failed his mother and treated himself unfairly, but he owed the family nothing.

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Now even go, have to experience some hypocrisy.

This thought, Jimo peaceful face more ugly, more and more want to leave the Terran, follow his mother to leave.

Many people came to offer sacrifices. Although Nangong Beichen was still badly injured, he insisted on coming.

Looking at the bustle in front of the funeral hall and the lonely coffin, I couldn't help but sob. I just patted Jimo's peaceful shoulder, put on the incense and left.

Nangong Beichen just walked out of the door and saw the figure of Shangqiu Mengqian. They exchanged a look. Nangong Beichen stood outside the hall waiting.

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Shangqiu Mengqian came in with an indescribable face and looked at the coffin. His face changed for a long time before he lifted his robe and squatted beside Jimo's peaceful side, throwing paper money into the brazier.

Looking at the burning paper money, he murmured in a low voice: "you said that you are the first childe. How could you hang it in front of me? You are also a dead hearted eye. You have been suppressed in the family. You don't know how to hide out. The world is so big. Where is no place for you? Well, now that you have left so generously, I have no choice but to take care of Qingqing girl and your son for you. Don't worry. Although I'm a father for the first time, I will never let anyone bully his cheap son. Ouch... "

Before he finished, he felt a sharp pain in his waist. He turned his head and looked at him with a smile.

He immediately counseled: "Er, Qingqing girl, my childe I I'm actually... "

Huan Qingyan didn't look at him again. He just bent down and touched Xiaobao's head. Although he didn't say a word, his gentle and placating meaning was expressed in his words.

The dream of Shangqiu comes forward to the spirit front of jimoya with a stick of incense, touches his nose and exits the door. He sneers at shangnangong Beichen, coughs uneasily and looks up at the sky.

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Huan Qingyan looks at the gorgeous coffin in front of her, only feels ironic.

People have died, no bones, listen to Xiaobao, he died, in Jimo house was severely suppressed.

But now it's a beautiful funeral, just like the biggest hero of Mohist school.

What's the use of being wronged in front of you and making up for it after you?

Jimo ya, if you have spirit, have you ever regretted it now?

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With a sigh, he personally picked up a stick of incense and prayed silently: "Jimo ya, I've forgiven you and have a good journey."

Out of the spirit hall, white dust seal is standing outside waiting for her, see the illusion pour out, showing a trace of worry.

First of all, he carefully looked at the expression of the unreal Qing Yan. Seeing that there was nothing wrong with it, he put down his mind.

Welcome up: "I send you back?"

Nangong Beichen has a good eye on Huan Qingyan. She hasn't seen her for several years. She is more beautiful and noble. In the past, she was smiling with water shining Phoenix eyes. Now she is full of dignity.

Look indifferent, as if everything has passed, no longer haunt her mind, completely let go of the past.

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Looking back at the hall behind her, the man who had been obsessed with her for half a life, now has no idea where his soul is.

Nangong Beichen has a whiff of desolation in his heart.

Just nodded at the illusion and was about to leave.

All of a sudden, there was a tremendous roar from the holy yard, and a huge demon family breath was approaching quickly.

Several figures jumped out from all sides of the holy city and met them. They were all half saints of the human race. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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