The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1393: 1393

Isn't he a proper second generation? In this world, who is more noble than his own identity, father and mother are saints.

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Are you kidding? Is there a Xiuer generation who is so miserable as himself?

And the origin of all this, is the combination of their parents, a person a demon, led to their own pain.

Now only a bitter you, can erase their own pain?

Don't look over your head.

The Phoenix demon emperor flashed a trace of injury and guilt in her eyes, pursed her lips, and was arrogant like a Phoenix. This remorse and guilt was her limit.

If you let her soft figure again, also can't.

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With a sigh, Yao Sheng walked slowly to Huan Qingyan and slowed down his voice: "my son, it's my parents' fault. You've suffered so much..."

Huan Qingyan raised his head and gave a cold smile to the eyes of Shangyao shengcihe: "since you know everything, why can you watch your own flesh and blood suffer? If you can summon me once, why can't you summon me a second time to explain to me? Now that the demons have been defeated by us, don't you think it's ironic to talk about the so-called deep love between father and son? "

Yao Sheng's eyes darkened, and his face became more and more tolerant and soft. He knew that the daughter had suffered too much, and she was not so easy to get close to.

Seeing that the Phoenix was accused by her daughter, she would not be able to control her temper and immediately spread the message to let her endure. After all, no matter what, they were sorry for the child.

In the embarrassment of the atmosphere, suddenly an excited voice came from the jiaozhu hairpin on his head.

"Ah Jin? Brother Jin? "

A phantom came out from the head of Huan Qingyan.

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This jiaozhu Xiaoyan has been carrying with her. At that time, when Xiaoyan turned into an egg, Bai CHENFENG took it with her.

After waiting for small Yan to change shape, returned to her again.

So Yan Xiaoxiao has been around.

Yao Sheng looks at the mini Jiao and looks at it.


"Yes! Brother Jin, I finally see you. I've been waiting for you for more than a thousand years. Brother Jin, why don't you come to see me! And when did you get married? Why didn't you marry me... " The mini Jiao blinked happily.

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People listen to, ah, the dish Saint unexpectedly still has this kind of peach colored gossip?

The Phoenix sitting next to him coughed.

Yao Sheng quickly pacifies, "Yan Niang, Jiaojiao, she is just a child's mentality, she is joking. Jiaojiao, didn't you die early? Why are there still illusions now? "

Xiaojiao was still happy and happy with a trace of regret. "I don't know. This is my last wish. I want to see brother Jin and disappear. Now I finally see him, so it will soon disappear. Brother Jin, if you have reincarnation, you will marry me in the next life! I'll let you be the big phoenix in my life. Hee hee, brother Jin, I'm so happy that I can finally see you in this life. I thought I didn't have a chance. "

Being disturbed by the mini Jiao, Huan Qingyan's resentment towards his parents has buffered a lot.


People have their own difficulties. What's the use of sadness, anger and resentment?

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It's better to learn Jiaojiao. After waiting for my lover for thousands of years, I'm very happy to see the last one. I don't have any resentment at all.

How nice.

With a long sigh of relief, Huan Qingyan regained calm.

Jiaojiao also dissipated in people's eyes, a small Jiao faintly turned into a kind little girl, happy to go far away.

Only to Huan Qingyan a person can hear left a faint voice: "I said how I see Xiaoyan you feel intimate, so you are the daughter of a male god, no wonder, no wonder..." The voice is long and seems to be wavering. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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