The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1395: 1395

Epoch-making saints and so on, who were half bewitching by the Phoenix and the king, pointing at their noses and calling them stupid, were also the first time in the world. What they did was not to say anything.

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You can only look at the food saint.

Yaosheng said calmly: "Yan Niang is right. The empress of the heavenly devil has profound accomplishments and will not be defeated and disappeared so easily. I'm afraid that what is brewing now will come back soon. We must be prepared, or we will be a catastrophe in Lingbao land! "

Even Yao Sheng said so. We had to believe it, and their looks were dignified.

At this moment, the alarm bell suddenly sounded over the holy yard. This is the signal of the enemy's attack!

The two saints and a few semi saints got up and looked at the direction of the holy yard. From that direction, a black air that covered the sky and the sun rushed forward

Xuanchu empire.

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The capital city.

The once bustling city is now in ruins.

The street was cold and clear. A gust of wind blew, and the leaves rolled up and fell on the street, which was covered with bloodstains and broken limbs.

The smell of blood in the city does not disperse, strong disgusting.

Everywhere is a dead silence, occasionally a few people walk by, but the pace is faltering, slow.

The flesh and blood on the face seems to have been absorbed, full of black gas.

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Outside the gate of the Royal Palace in Dujing City, it's a dark place. All the people in the city are gathered here.

From these people, the black air of blocking out the sun diffused and gathered to the top of the palace.

Inside the palace, there is also a mess.

There were dead bodies everywhere, and few people could be seen.

Only in the main hall of the palace, there is a bit of human vitality.

In the main hall, all the people in the city who were not infected by the black gas all gathered here, which was only one or two hundred.

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In addition to some of the elite of the royal family, only a few big elders of the royal family were able to protect the main hall from the black gas.

They have witnessed with their own eyes that the black air is extremely strange and violent. If a person is infected with a trace of it, he will soon be drained of his spiritual power by the black air, and then he will be eroded into a devil who has no sense but only the idea of tyrannical killing.

At the moment, it was the third day of the fall of Dujing City, and the second day of the Imperial Palace being besieged.

Several elders do not dare to relax the support of the protective cover for a moment. Although it is safe for a while, it is not a long-term plan.

What's more, in the past three days, they have received calls for help from all over the Empire. All of these sudden black gas has soaked the residents of cities and prefectures into monsters. What's more, the place where the black gas was first discovered, even the land, plants and water have been demonized by the black gas.

The atmosphere in the hall was almost stagnant for a long time. It took one of the most gorgeous and noble men to open his mouth and decide: "now the fall of the empire is irretrievable. It seems that it should be the crisis of Lingbao mainland. If there is no wrong guess, it should be the evil spirit mentioned in the oracle of the holy house. So far, we can only ask for help from the pilgrimage, hoping to save a ray of life for our empire. "

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With that, a crane flew into the sky

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