The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1398: 1398

Magic nine Li nodded to promise: "that is, now the empress of the devil for the evil spirit treasure land, our demon family also can't escape and disaster, of course, is to cooperate sincerely!"

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For a while, everyone had a clear division of labor and were busy with each other.

Hanbing Academy.

Located in the Arctic ice, very cold.

There are few people.

Ordinary people seldom come here, almost out of the world.

The cold ice academy is located on the glacier with a history of thousands of years. There are extremely cold glaciers all over the country. Except for the students and tutors in the school, there are few people.

It can be regarded as a rare and pure place in the land of spiritual treasure.

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On that day, Xue Sheng was injured and thought that the channel of evil Qi was sealed and the witch was defeated.

With the return of Huan Qingyan, Xiaobao's safety is no longer worrying.

At the moment of life and death, Xue Sheng seems to have understood something.

His life is open and aboveboard. He is conscious of being worthy of the world, but he owes a person in the end.

Now he was seriously injured, and consciously looked down on life and death. In addition, the death of Jimo Ya gave him stimulation and touch, so that he could no longer ignore the desire in his heart.

Therefore, after coming out, he returned to the school of ice.

He originally came out of the cold ice academy, but after many years, he still came back as his own home, familiar with the road.

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Outside an ice palace in the backyard of the cold ice academy, Xue Lao stood for a long time before opening the palace gate.

Inside the palace, the palace made of ice and snow is crystal clear, just like a fairy palace.

With the opening of the gate, a faint fragrance of plum blossoms slowly.

In the corner of the garden, under several red plum trees, a woman in plain clothes is slowly turning her head.

She is a snow girl.

See is snow saint, snow girl's eyes flash quickly some of what, but the expression is cold incomparable.

Xue Sheng was a little guilty, a little uneasy, and a little bit general. She went up to her two steps and said, "a Xue, I'm back --"

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snow girl glanced at him faintly, without raising her eyebrows, as if she had never heard of her passing by him.

Snow Saint felt the cold breath of snow girl from his side without any pause. He felt cool in his heart and lowered his head with a sigh.

But suddenly heard a cold voice: "now that I'm back, what are you doing outside? When I'm old, I think I'm a young man. If I get hurt, I can resist it? "

It's snow girl's voice. Although she's got a little venomous tongue, Xue Sheng's excited tears fill her eyes.

For many years, since the wife was injured because of her own reasons, the fetus in her womb, also known as snow girl, was forced to be locked into the ice for thousands of years.

The fetus has long been wise. After struggling to take out the snow girl, his wife died and was transferred to Canglang academy to recuperate.

Father and daughter are far apart from each other. Snow girl is naturally indifferent and seems to hate herself very much.

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He also felt guilty. Because of himself, the child had not enjoyed the love of his parents, and had to spend so many years alone in the glacier, without getting half of his own care.

The more guilty he was, the more afraid he was to see her.

Now it's not the death of Jimo ya that has touched him. I'm afraid he doesn't have the courage.

Never thought, but the daughter lived in the palace where he and his wife lived before, waiting for her to come back.

Although the words are not pleasant to listen to, but the concern behind the words does not reduce one point.

Excited snow Saint followed the snow girl into the palace, familiar with everything, seems to stay in the moment his wife is still alive. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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