The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1401: 1401

Hearing the news, the drunkard and Xunsheng, seeing his appearance, sighed: "why do you suffer?"

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Laisheng smiles: "please call the two saints and others together. I have something important to say."

A moment later, in the hall.

As expected, Lesheng announced the news that shocked the audience.

Jimo ya did not die, he reincarnated!

This is the result of three days' deduction with his own Shouyuan sacrifice.

The people and demons in this room were boiling.

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Not to mention anything else, as long as you find the reincarnation of jimoya, even if his cultivation is low, it doesn't matter if he doesn't have any accomplishments. So many saints and half Saint demon emperors can urge a king spirit Master to come, just like the pig!

People eagerly look at Lesheng, waiting for him to tell the whereabouts of Jimo Ya's reincarnation, so that we can take him back.

Lesheng's eyes are only focused on Huan Qingyan.

Huan Qingyan heard Laisheng say that Jimo Ya was not dead and reincarnated. He felt a sense of relief, joy and uncertainty.

She hated Jimo Ya and hated that she couldn't see him again. She had to reincarnate her torture on him to get out of her heart.

But after the death of Jimo ya, although she was relieved and put down, there was always a place empty in her heart.

One side of the white dust seal eyes a dark, there is an ominous premonition.

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He should have known for a long time that people like jimoya could die so easily?

It must have been left behind.

It's really a good plan to let Xiao Yan's hatred of him disappear completely and then revive, and make up with Xiaoyan again?

Good! Jimoya! You're tough!

White dust seal in the heart of anger overturn, but also had to suppress, had to panic to see the magic tilt Yan.

Xiaoyan, Xiaoyan, what does she think at the moment? Will she be happy? Will you be reunited with Jimo?

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Huan Qingyan is aware of the white dust seal's eyes and turns back to give him a soothing look.

The white dust sealed the uneasy heart and settled down.

Jimo Anning heard that his father was reincarnated and alive. He was enraged because his father had saved himself.

At the moment, hearing that his father was reincarnated, his first reaction was to grab Lesheng's hand. This was the first time that he took the initiative to contact Lesheng after the incident.

"Reverend, where is my father? How is he now? I want him! Please tell me! "

Lesheng looked at the jade trees in front of the wind, already had a bit of Jimo ya, Jimo peace of the original demeanor, and once again felt his intestines were all regretful.

How could he, the patriarch and the elders be blind and blinded by the short-term interests?

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Jimo Anning was born with a little bit of Qi, but he found that he was gifted, even not under Jimo. He exhausted his efforts and saved him.

But in the end, how could he give up him completely just because he had the magic Qing Yan, the demon mother?

There was a deep thought in Lesheng's eyes.

In the crowd's urging, he regained his mind and patted Jimo's peaceful hand: "don't worry, your father is very well now, but if you want to find your father's reincarnation, I'm afraid you need to fight with your mother."

Everyone's eyes immediately turned to Huan Qingyan.

Bai CHENFENG's face turned black and stood out: "this is ridiculous. Since Lesheng has figured out the reincarnation place of jimoya, just tell me, so many of us, even if we search the whole land of Lingbao, we should find him out. Now that the evil spirit is rampant outside, how can you let Xiaobao find it at ease? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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