The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1403: 1403

After thinking about it for a while, Huan Qingyan finally said, "since Lesheng said so, the emperor would take Xiaobao with him. It's just that the hint is too simple. Can there be a clearer divination? Such as location or something? "

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As soon as she opened her mouth to promise, the originally tense atmosphere suddenly relaxed. Only white dust sealed her eyes. Her eyes showed a sense of sadness, but she reluctantly pressed herself and did not ask why Xiaoyan was so.

Lesheng finally let go of his heart.

Just then, the divinatory symbols were shown in detail: "I have deduced that the object of ya boy's reincarnation should have been around you before he was alive, and it's also very important. I also ask the Phoenix demon emperor to recall that such a person has ever appeared around him. "

Huan Qingyan's eyes flashed, which seemed to point to --

"Qingluo! The radish demon White dust seal gnashing teeth sound behind her.

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Jimo Ya is really cunning. It has long been a way to hide from the world

If it was not for Lessing's conjecture of his whereabouts, everyone would have thought that he was really dead.

It's shameless. It's cunning.

He was born to a demon with secret method. Didn't he hate demon clan most?

Why don't you hate it now?

He knew that when he saw the radish demon, he felt the sense of resistance and vigilance. Intuitively, the radish demon was not a good thing!

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Sure enough, it was Jimo ya that bastard!

No, he wants to go with Xiaoyan. Even if he wants to bring him back for Lingbao mainland, he should beat him up and vent his anger before bringing him back. It's better to threaten Xiaoyan before his memory is restored and make him stop pestering Xiaoyan!

Huan Qing Yan but there is a moment of loss of consciousness, green Luo is Jimo Ya reincarnation?

How ironic, he had no relationship with the demon clan before his death, but after his reincarnation, he was the identity of the demon clan.

But immediately back to God, light nod, that he knew.

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It should not be too late. Since we know the reincarnation of jimoya, the sooner we find it, the better. Huan Qingyan knows this truth, and without any delay, he has to leave.

The white dust seal naturally wants to follow, just walked out two steps, has been watching the meal saint who does not speak language suddenly to open a mouth: "white boy, you stay."

Bai Chen Feng and Huan Qingyan both stop and look back at the dish saint.

White dust in the heart suddenly has a kind of ominous feeling, the future old father-in-law called himself to do? Don't let yourself go with Xiaoyan to find Jimo ya, is afraid that in the middle, will hinder them two to make up?

But he did not dare to ask, only respectfully turned back and saluted: "I do not know what the emperor has ordered?"

Yao Sheng's eyes swept over him. It seemed that something flashed by. After a long time, he said: "you stay. This time, your position is very special. If you are careless, you may fail. Xiao Yan goes to find the reincarnation of the chosen one. If you stay here, I can give you some advice. Why don't you want to? "

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Finally, Yao Sheng raised his eyebrows.

White dust seal is really like swallowing a bitter gall, can not advance or retreat.

His future father-in-law personally put forward the main points to dial himself, dare he refuse? This is Xiao Yan's father!

Can let Xiaoyan alone to see Jimo Ya reincarnation, he is also very unwilling!

What a tangle!

Looking up, he seemed to see through everything. With his dark eyes, the white dust sealed his back and felt the pressure was great. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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