The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1428: 1428

The victory has really come, but we can't accept it.

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However, looking at the present people, injured, dizzy, one by one in a mess, so many half saints and God elect to join hands to kill a day witch is normal.

Several slightly injured demon emperor from Murong Xinnuo closer, went to check.

Jimo Ya reluctantly stands firm body, just in order to trap the day demon girl, he does not care about the serious injury to hand, at the moment move, between the viscera pain is severe.

"Be careful, everyone. The day witch is cunning, and be careful with deceit --" seeing that the two demon emperors have just approached the goddess, Jimo Ya doesn't know how to suddenly feel bad, and reminds him in a loud voice.

However, it is still a step late.

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See two demon emperor's hands can touch Murong Xinnuo, found wrong, want to retreat, has been too late.

The hands of the two demon emperors were absorbed on Murong Xinnuo by an inexplicable suction, and their spiritual power was continuously absorbed in the past.

However, in the blink of an eye, the two demon emperors were sucked into the shape of demons, which were a tiger demon emperor and a Golden Snake demon emperor.

No matter how the two Xinhuang's bodies were wrapped in the body, no matter how hard they were, they were all wrapped up in the body.

Slowly stand up, eyes in the vicious with the destruction of all the madness.

"Since you don't give me a way to live and force me to stay in Lingbao land, well, let you all bury me with you!" Murong Xinnuo grinned grimly and patted to his Dantian.

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The field of elixir was smashed into a blood mist and exploded with the body.

Countless tumbling black gas burst out with the self explosion of her body.

Murong xinnuobin was promoted to be a saint by the empress of the demons. However, due to the weakness of Jimo peace, Murong xinnuobin is barely at the peak of semi saint.

The power of the semi holy realm is not small.

For a while, the whole holy city was affected by the shaking of the earth. The nearest buildings were instantly broken into dust, and the far away buildings were all in a mess.

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From the nearest coma in the Nangong Beichen, and crazy saint, face Murong Xinnuo's self explosion.

Nangong Beichen didn't even come to hum and hum, it was fried into blood foam, and Murong Xinnuo's flesh and blood, sprinkled over half of the holy city, has been indistinguishable.

Although mad Saint tried hard to resist, under the power of self explosion at the peak of semi saint, half of his body was cut off in an instant, before he could react, then he was penetrated into his body by the burst of evil spirit.

The mad Saint clapped his hand at his spirit without hesitation. As a half saint, if he was eroded into a puppet by evil Qi, he would rather die than be willing to.

He would rather know his life himself at the end of his mind.

What remained in his eyes was the boundless darkness, rushing around

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Murong Xinnuo's self explosion was too sudden and tragic.

Most people didn't react. Even if they did, they were more or less affected by the power of self explosion.

What's more, Murong Xinnuo's self explosion does not say, and the turbulent evil spirit comes with the self explosion.

Those who are injured by self explosion will be able to invade the body. For a moment, those who are invaded by the evil Qi will lose their resistance instantly.

Huan Qingyan watched Nangong Beichen be fried into meat mud, and saw the crazy Saint die.

Her heart is filled with grief and indignation. She is also seriously injured at the moment. She wants to avoid the power of self explosion. She can't, and there is the evil spirit. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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