Live for thousands of years, this kind of scene words, it is easy to hold, no pressure at all.

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Jimo Ya despised the wine saint in his heart deeply. He wanted to throw Bai Li Zi Xi away from him three feet away, but for the sake of the overall situation, Shengsheng tolerated it.

In the future, he will have a shadow.

Hand in hand with Baili Zixi to celebrate birthday Life is stained.

At this time, there was a burst of laughter in the sky. The sound was loud and bright. With the appearance of the sound, an old man dressed as a beggar on the street flew over from the sky.

Behind him is his spirit treasure, a powerful and powerful long haired dog. The word "King" in front of his forehead has a tendency to be sanctified.

Someone stood up in shock.

"Mad saint!"

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"Crazy saint of Baili family, you are out of the pass

"Ha ha ha, rare three saints present together!"

Everyone was happy.

There are only two saints in the holy city. The other saints are closed and busy. They will go out of the pass only if there is a big event.

It is rare to see the three saints together.

The old beggar pretended to laugh more merrily. "Everybody sit down. Ben Shengzun just came to celebrate the birthday of the wine saint and ask for a cup of birthday wine by the way..."

The wine saint and Xun Sheng both stood up and laughed.

The wine Saint said happily, "there is no birthday present, but there is no wine. Let me see what birthday present you have prepared first."

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The crowd burst into laughter.

The windy and huge long haired dog flew close, and all the people could see that on the back of the long haired dog, there were several people on its back, which was the backbone of the hundred Li family.

Bai Li Ren, the patriarch, and several elders of Wang Lingshi, most of them are young talents and elite children.

There are about ten people sitting on the half Saint level spirit treasure, and the speed is no less than crazy saint. It can be seen how fast the spirit treasure is.

As the mad Saint reached the big platform, the long haired giant dog also landed steadily.

When a group of people from the Baili family came, they would directly pay a birthday call to the wine Saint first, and then they would accuse them of being late.

Seeing the pairing figure of Jimo and Baili Zixi, everyone in the Baili family is gratified.

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Hundred Li purple Xi stepped forward to meet the mad saint.

"Purple Xi has seen the Holy One!"

Crazy Saint looked up and down Bai Li Zi Xi and laughed, "OK, you're the one who took back the family when you were a child. I met you once, but I didn't expect that if I shut up, you would grow so big. OK! Good

Jimo Ya also went to see the crazy saint.

Crazy saint is also a compliment. He has a sense of sight and satisfaction when he looks at his son-in-law.

Xun Sheng coughed, "all right, please take your seats."

The people of the Baili family found their place and sat down.

The mad Saint sat on the other side of the wine saint, and the three saints were on the same stage.

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"Today, our three saints are on the same stage, and the wine saint's thousand year old birthday, we decided to open an altar to let all the guests and the elite of the human race bathe in the power of the holy light of the altar..."

As soon as this statement was made, there was an uproar on the stage and off the stage.


Treasure of the sanctuary!

The altar, frankly speaking, is the largest aura node in the holy yard. It is usually in a closed state. It is afraid that the aura of the holy city will be exhausted due to excessive leakage of the spirit point nodes.

"The aura in the altar is overwhelming. If I open the altar today, I may break through this ten years of cultivation stuck in the neck bottle!"

"Yes, so am I. the aura of the altar is the purest aura in the land of Lingbao, so it is called the power of light. It is not comparable to ordinary aura. We seem to have come to the right place today." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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