At that time, jimoya will be her person

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Hundred Li purple Xi can't resist.

She forcibly restrained the inexplicable fear in her heart and put her hand into the big palm of Jimo ya.

Jimo Ya wears a pair of transparent thin gloves today, which makes it more elegant and noble.

They came to the edge of the altar.

Jimo Ya graceful gesture hundred Li purple Xi, "this well side has two protruding mechanism, you and I press down at the same time, this opened the seal."

"Good." Hundred Li purple Xi heart more and more uneasy, she has a kind of impulse to flee.

She doesn't know why, but now she's in a tight spot.

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"I'll count one, two, three and press together." Jimo Ya's smile deepened, "one, two, three!"


Two people pressed the mechanism at the same time, and immediately burst out of the altar a magnificent momentum, in the air, into two big aura words, a closer look, is the two words of the Holy Spirit.

The crowd cheered!! Exciting!

"Don't panic, let the Holy Spirit come out to exult, and then atomize."

Xun Sheng and crazy Sheng sat aside, also very happy.

"The altar has not been opened for more than ten years, and the word" Holy Spirit "has come out of the altar

"Yes, the Holy Spirit, which has been brought up for more than ten years, is a veritable altar."

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When the crowd cheered and passionate, the two words of the Holy Spirit suddenly dived towards the hundred Li purple Xi!

Hundred Li purple Xi in the spirit of the word out, her heart began to abnormal, that kind of inexplicable fear let her stay no longer, she turned to want to escape, but was Jimo Ya took an arm.

"Saint, where are you going

I don't want to rest

Jimo Ya smile, "not busy, the wine saint is looking at us."

Hundred Li purple Xi suddenly smelled the smell of some conspiracy. It was too late for her to wake up.

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The two words of the holy spirit seemed to have found some smell, which covered the hundred mile purple!

Bailizhi felt a sense of suffocation, which made her breathless. A golden light pierced into her skin and made her feel pain everywhere

"What is this? Gongziya, help me! What's going on? " A hundred Li purple Xi reaches out to Jimo and calls for help.

Jimo Ya smell speech, but back a few steps, away from her some.

In fact, some gold gas also penetrated into his body, but fortunately, he could bear it.

The situation came so suddenly that everyone was blindfolded.

On and off the stage, a dazed still.

The crazy Saint bailifeng of Baili family was the first to stand up, with a frozen smile on his face. He was about to help, but he was stopped by Xun Sheng beside him.

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"Old madman, don't worry. Look down."

Some elders of the Baili family couldn't see it anymore. They said, "why is this? How can Jinling hurt people without any reason when she bullies our family


During the protest, I saw that Bai Li Zi Xi's body was gradually forced out of a wisp of visible black gas by the naked eye!

Some of the wise Wang Lingshi stood up in surprise.

"Evil spirit? A lot of evil spirit

"How can this girl be possessed of evil spirit? I know. Is it because she absorbed the evil spirit for the boy of Mohist School and was passed on to her? "

"No, Jimo's boy is a devil in his heart, so he won't have black gas. Black gas is real evil gas and can be contagious." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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