"Wine holy way," nonsense, how can saints repair the evil way? Since ancient times, there has been no holy master of the magic way! It's no wonder that your posture is not very good, but your cultivation speed is so fast. If you release your spirit treasure, has it become a magic spirit treasure

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At this point, the audience on and off the stage reacted one after another.

"It's strange that he is a false god elector! The chosen one is still false. Today, he has learned a lot. "

"Well, it won't be a big deal, will it? We Lingbao land unexpectedly appeared evil Qi, that what magic eye, sounds so terrible! Xinnuo, why are you so white? "

"I feel so scared. I often go to see bailizhi with my aunt in recent days. I don't know if I have been infected with evil spirit by her..."


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Before the hundred mile purple Xi, the high-end atmosphere of the saint image, basically no longer, turned into a black figure, almost can not see the appearance.

The wine gourd of Jiusheng Zun was sucking at her, which was not as fast as the black gas coming out of her body.

Jimo ya a white dress, understatement, pale look at her.

That is to say, a burst of purple ink! It turns out that you have been playing games and deliberately deceiving me. You have conspired with the drunkard for a long time, haven't you? "

"You hide so deep that I can't find out if you don't let out black gas to invade me. What do you want me to control? " Jimo Ya light road.

"You're deceiving me. The black air I emit is so weak that it can't be seen by the naked eye. No, the divine sense can't find it. How did you find it? I love you. I want to practice with you and become stronger. My master said that she is waiting for me on the upper level

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Jimo Ya flashed a trace of disgust, "stupid! The devil's way and our spiritual friars are totally incompatible. To let you practice the devil is to make you die. You can't be stupid. "

I want to practice with him! It's disgusting!

Jimo Ya wanted to end all this, and immediately ran back to the cave to see Huan Qingyan.

The evil spirit on him was forced out by the golden spirit. He could suppress the residual heart demons by himself. After a while, he would be cured. It's not a problem.

Jimo Ya no longer paid attention to Bai Li Zi Xi and returned to the wine saint's side.

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The wine gourd of the wine Saint sucked again for a while, and then the hundred Li purple Xi was absorbed white. At this time, because the evil spirit in her body was greatly reduced, her cultivation was also slowly regressing.

From xuanlingshi to zhenlingshi's later period, and then to zhenlingshi's middle stage All the way to the spirit Master!

People watched her retreat from her cultivation, and all kinds of surprise were heard.

"It's really eye opening. It's all based on magic spirit!"

"My God, thanks to her, she cheated a saint to be..."

"You see, her appearance is also declining! She looks ordinary and haggard. Miss Ben is scared to death. She was so charming and gorgeous before. She was also supported by evil spirit

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Bai Li Zi Xi's accomplishments have regressed. Her reaction is not too fierce. She heard that her appearance has become ugly. She didn't believe it. She touched her face, and it was

The next scream, aaaaaaaah!

Cover your face and dare not look at yourself.

"We still need to find clues from her about the devil's eye. Now that there are so many people, let's put them in the dungeon first and try again tomorrow. What do you think of them?" This is Xun Sheng's opening. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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