Jimo Ya's face is as heavy as water. She turns around and walks away. It seems that Xiaoyan takes advantage of her carelessness and intentionally hangs on her.

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This time, nine times out of ten, Xiao Yan is running away from home again.

What a brave girl!

What did you say last time? I promised not to run. I ran again this time.

Jimo Ya walked out of the crowd and came to the place where there were few people

A figure appeared quietly behind him. "Yes, little Lord."

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"Xiaoyan, she has no flying magic weapon. A pregnant woman can't walk far away. Take Yu Wei to the holy city to investigate. Don't let go of the city. Check out the spirit stone of the city records again Search people immediately. "

"Yes, little Lord."

It seems that this is more serious than leaving home.

Jimo Ya goes back to the cave where Xiaoyan lived once again, and wants to find some clues. This girl is playing again!

He found some cards on the head of Huan Qingyan's bed. They were all small animals. There were bears, rabbits, pigs and chickens

"What is this?" Ask helianyuan.

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He Lianyuan is trembling. Now he wants to take the blame and make contributions to find the little lady. But the little Lord did not give him a task. It must be that the little Lord was disappointed with him.

She was extremely frightened and said, "this is what the young lady usually uses to do prenatal education. Although the baby in her belly has not been born, she can teach her. These are all hand drawn by the little lady..."

"How to teach it?" Jimo Ya is puzzled. He has never heard of such absurd things.

"The young lady will take the card with the rabbit, sing the rabbit song, take the card of the cat and dog to learn what the cat and dog call, and say something strange and incomprehensible, such as Togo, regular script and so on..."

Jimo Ya picked up a card and turned it over. It was full of words.

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…… Today, I saw that jimoya was so close to bailizhi. Although it was exorcism, I still felt uncomfortable. I convinced myself not to be careful

Jimo Ya left this one, and picked up a few, there are words on it!

…… In the heart more and more afflictive, why can be like this? Bai Li Zi Xi is really annoying. She must have no good intentions

…… Your wife said that Jimo Ya found out the murderer, that is, Bai Li Zi Xi, but she didn't do it because Bai Li Zi Xi was helpful to her. Did I overestimate the man's affection? I don't believe

…… I think it's ridiculous. Jimo Ya makes me believe him, but he doesn't believe me first. He doesn't believe that the child is his. Because of the child's affairs, he accepted the hundred mile purple.

…… Yes, I have nothing to rely on. I'm not suitable to stay by his side. So, once we can't go back

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…… More than a month later, he didn't come to see me. I fainted. He didn't come to see me. What am I asking for

…… Jimo ya, I said, nobody wants to drive me away from you, unless you don't want me. Now, you don't want me. I have to go. Goodbye

Jimo Ya looked at it, and his face became colder and colder.

The girl seems to have misunderstood him too much!

Before he thought it was Xiaoyan's high spirited spirit. He did not go far away. He just hid somewhere in the holy city and was angry for two days. He didn't believe Xiaoyan would really leave him.

Now he saw so many words on the back of the card that he found that there was a big misunderstanding. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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