After listening to the conversation between the two people, the mood is more heavy. She fell into the hands of your wife this time. I'm afraid it's really dangerous.

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In addition, her body is hypnotized every day and she has too much sleep. Her body is in poor condition, soft and powerless. Even her accomplishments seem to be falling and retreating. It is not easy to mobilize spiritual power.

As time goes by day by day, the heart of Huan Qingyan becomes more and more heavy.

Her stomach is getting bigger and bigger. She can't move easily. She can't escape.

Every day, facing the cold stone wall, staying in this repressed room, her mental state is getting worse and worse.

Can't walk, can only lie in bed to think.

When she was conscious, she never thought about Jimo.

From the moment she left the holy city, she told herself that she would never think about it again.

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Only when you are confused, you can't help thinking about it.

I don't know if the magic Qi on Jimo Ya has disappeared completely? It should be almost all right, otherwise that day, I won't join hands with Bai Li Zi Xi to propose a toast to the wine master

Can go out to propose a toast, is to say the body is OK?

He should have taken back fengyuling for a long time!

Will you come to her?

Xu Yu's blessing to her husband and wife is just two and a half, and she's already been sent to her for the second time

At the thought of this problem, Huan Qingyan's will is even more depressed.

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She's gone now, and she's done them

Everyone is not optimistic about this love affair, but she is naive and naive. She thinks that if two people love each other, they can be together, and life and death follow each other.

She was ready for life and death, but in a flash, Jimo Ya left her.

Paired with other women.

Are men really so mean?

No, I don't blame anyone else, just herself. She deserves it.

Who let her treasure is not suitable for him, who let her not as good as hundred miles purple Xi, who let her cultivation low and proud, deserve to be caught, deserve to die like this

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jimoya felt choking in his heart.

He followed the white dust seal came to Xiaoyan about the missing place, Yangcheng, has been on ten days.

He searched Yangcheng and all the places around Yangcheng like a carpet without any trace.

Every day, his heart is heavy,

he has used the power of the family, and several elders of Jimo family have heard from him.

Jimo Kaiyuan, Jimo Yifan, and your wife have arrived.

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Jimo Ya suppressed the heartache from time to time and received the elders of several families who came to Yangcheng.

"Xiaoya, the patriarch has heard of this and sent us here to see if there is anything we can do for you?" Jimo Kaiyuan was ordered to come, but his enthusiasm is not high.

There are rumors all over the place that the young man in his family is wearing a green hat, and that woman is ashamed to run away from home.

Jimo has a lot of whiskers, which are dregs. These days, he has no mind to take care of it. He looks tired. He receives Linghe and comes back from thousands of miles away from Yangcheng.

"Thank you, elders."

The family's help is not accepted casually, which is a manifestation of incompetence. But now the situation is special, that is, Mo Ya's heart is burning, and Huan Qingyan is still in doubt about his life and death. He also takes the child with him, and the child is about to be born.

He had already regretted. If he had known that the girl was so angry, even if he had broken the oath, he would not have deceived her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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