Also don't wait for Jimo ya to answer, cold hum a, left.

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Ji Mo Ya stops, "Mo Wu!"

"Yes." A man appeared in the dark.

"Is there any news from the holy city of Moyi?"

Ink five, "back to the little Lord, no, you suspect that the evil girl accomplice has not been found out."

Jimo Ya has analyzed that Baili Zixi is no longer a saint. Normal Terrans will not work for her any more, nor will demon people. Terrans and demon clans have cultivated aura, not magic Qi.

The demon clan can be said to be the natural enemy of the Terran and the demon clan, and the demon people will not work for her.

The defense is to have a witch like her!

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The magic cultivation in Lingbao mainland is unheard of by ordinary people, but what if she still has an accomplice?

Jimo Ya pondered for a moment, "well, from today on, you should follow your wife and search every place she has been."

Although your wife's cultivation has not dropped, in theory, it should not be her hand, but what if there are any secret arts?

And, if not her, what if she knew who it was? It's good to follow the cable.

"OK, Mo Wu will go at once."

After hesitating for a while, he finally said, "little Lord, you haven't closed your eyes for more than ten days. You'd better have a rest first."

"Xiao Yan is waiting for me."

In a word, with strong thoughts and worries.

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in the deep mountain forest, there is a golden lion running constantly.

Every time he went to a new place, he would stop and smell it carefully. After half an hour, if he didn't find out, he would set off again.

It's white dust!

He has no care now in Terran territory, with demonization state.

He absorbed two drops of the blood of the lion king. When he was completely demonized, it was all in the shape of a beast, so that people could not see that he was a man.

His speed, strength, sense of smell, reaction and so on have been greatly improved in a complete animal state.

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He has been sleeping for more than ten days and has not eaten or drunk.

Only one idea, find Xiaoyan, find Xiaoyan, find Xiaoyan, and then, no matter what reason, he will never let her leave.

Amazing. Tie her to the demon land to live.

Coercion or kidnapping.


Nangong returned to the holy city in the morning.

He was the only one who didn't go to Huan Qingyan.

But back in the holy city.

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I came to the residence of Baili family here and asked to see Baili peak, crazy saint!

Bailifeng didn't want to see Nangong Beichen, "I have a headache when I see you. There must be no good feeling! What do you mean by asking me several times a day? I'm busy. "

These days, the three saints are taking turns to interrogate bailizhi about the devil's eye, and there is no progress at all.

When she was a child, she didn't know what the Holy Spirit was given to her

Let her accomplishments soar, and she will study.

After searching for the secret without hurting her divine sense, she got such a result, which made the three sages helpless.

Nangong Beichen asked for a long time at the gate of the Baili family's residence before meeting the mad saint.

"Holy Reverend, the purpose of my coming here is to help you find the lost blood of Baili family. Bai Li Zi Xi is a fake. Don't you want to know where the blood of the real Baili family has gone , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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