He took Xiao Bai's feather guard and quickly went to the direction pointed by the five elders.

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the white dust has been hidden around a barren mountain for a day.

He is a lion, especially good at hiding, he lurked for a day, but no one found him.

Have the breath of Xiaoyan!

He's not mistaken!

However, the breath seems to be blocked by something. We can't determine the exact place. We only know that it is somewhere in the mountain.

He did not dare to act rashly. The man who can make a move on the tiger's head in jimoya is definitely not an ordinary person. Therefore, he has not been good at capturing the people and forces of Huan Qingyan before it is clear.

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Though he was in a state of impatience.

He walked around the mountain quietly, and found that there were natural arrays, and they were carefully arranged and guarded.

Moreover, his accomplishments are not low, and his whereabouts are strange and uncertain.

White dust seal is very much like a person to rush in, with the fastest speed to save Xiaoyan, but always endure down.

Once he fails, he will not only be unable to save Xiaoyan, but also scare the snake. If Xiaoyan is transferred to other places, it will be even more difficult to find.

He quietly withdrew from the barren mountain

We have to move the soldiers.

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This place is not far from the demon land. If it wants to go to the lion clan to ask for the lion emperor, it may be closer.

But first of all, he has to send fenglinghe to those who are looking for Xiaoyan, and inform them of Xiaoyan's whereabouts. In case he doesn't go back to the lion clan in time, they can come to rescue Xiaoyan, that is, Moya and Nangong Beichen.

The hair spirit crane must be transformed into a human form. After the transformation, he sent a letter to Nangong Beichen.

This boy is going back to move the half saint to save the soldiers. I don't know if he has succeeded.

Secondly, he sent a letter to Jimo ya, although he didn't want to send it.

When you're done, turn around and go.

There is a time interval for him to transform into a demon. He can't change continuously within half an hour.

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In the humanoid state, he used a flying magic weapon. After flying less than half a column of incense, he felt a powerful force approaching rapidly

White dust sealed subconsciously on the alert, hidden in the grass.


in the morning of Nangong and Beichen, you can fly with the spirit treasure of crazy saint.

People describe the speed as fast as a thousand miles in a day, but this speed is just a thousand miles. Nangong Beichen is already a Xuanling master. They are a little impatient and want to vomit. It's too fast.

But he didn't complain at all, the sooner the better.

"Boy, the land of Lingbao is so big that it's not a matter for us to look for it aimlessly? Do you expect me to show you around Lingbao land? "

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Bailifeng's whole body was wrapped up tightly for fear that others would recognize him.

Because, cough, in case the person found is not a member of the hundred Li family, and is known, a great and half Saint went out to find a busboy and came back. He didn't know people clearly and was disgraced.

Therefore, he agreed to come to find him, but also made a request not to reveal his identity. After he was sure that the person he was looking for was really a member of the hundred Li family, it was not too late.

Nangong Beichen is worried. After looking for him for so long, he doesn't even send him a letter. Generally speaking, the direction of his search is good, so that he can't take half a saint and do useless work.

When he was scolding the white dust seal, suddenly, the aura fluctuated.

It's from white dust!

After watching Nangong Beichen, he was overjoyed and said, "holy, holy, I have found a place!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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