It's just that in this last moment of life and death, it's good to go in and drag on for a while.

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Anyway, life is not here, but what kind of space magic weapon.

Suddenly, a golden light flashed by, and a big lion pounced on your lady!

The lion is a huge lion with golden eyes and momentum. It doesn't hit the ground with its hind legs and makes a big hole in the ground with its front paws.

At the same time, a low threat growl.

Protect in front of the magic Qing Yan.

Your lady is a little surprised, "lion clan demon Shuai? No, it's a demon! You can break into the array and come here! Hum, get away from me, or you will become a dead lion today... "

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The Golden Lion responded to her with a roar.

Huan Qingyan also feels strange, how can there be demon species to protect her?

Before she had Mo Liu following her, later, when the desolate forest happened, Mo Liu was said to be punished and dispatched. She was replaced by Yu Weihe Lianyuan.

Is this demon man sent by Jimo ya?

No! Jimo Ya hates demon people the most.

Huan Qingyan laughs bleakly. At this time, I still think about the problem of mental retardation. Huan Qingyan, your life is cheap! Whether you live or die today, you have nothing to do with Jimo ya.

Jimo family, she can not afford to, only hide!

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Demon species people keep roaring at your wife, and Huan Qingyan can be a little safer, so that she can have a good look at the child and let Ye Lingbao bring the baby to her.

She wants to put the child into the space, so as not to be robbed by your wife.

But to see the child's face dark blue, the situation is not very good, so throw into the space, afraid of what accident.

In addition, when the baby is not yet born, she is resistant to space, so she is not allowed to enter the space. After thinking about it, she still has to forget it.

Carefully holding, magic tilt Yan gently stroked the child with his hand.

"Baby, don't be afraid, mother will protect you!"

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Phantom inclined face pain in the heart, but the danger did not lift, want to hold the child to check the specific situation is not good.

There you madame and the lion have been fighting for several rounds, the lion's cultivation is still not as good as your wife.

I've got a lot of injuries on my body!

But instead of retreating, it roared more and more loudly.

"Madame, crazy saint is coming soon. If you want to rob the child, you should wait for the anger of the crazy saint. Xiaoyan, she is the blood of the hundred Li family, and the mad saint will not let you go!"

Huan Qingyan felt that the voice was a little familiar, but it had a strong Orcish nasal sound, which could not be distinguished for a moment.

Your wife's face changed greatly when she heard the speech. Her fighting methods became more and more fierce. They were all quick and accurate. They were all killing moves.

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The cultivation of the Golden Lion demon Shuai is equivalent to the Xuanling master of the human race. He is separated from your wife by a great realm

There are new scars on the body again. There are skin rolls everywhere. The fresh meat runs straight, but it doesn't get out of the way.

Or the death of the protection in front of the phantom tilt Yan, do not make way for half a step.

"Madam Ru, it doesn't seem to be the means of your Master Wang Ling. You have played hundreds of moves against me, a Xuanling master. I'm not dead. I'm a disgrace to Wang Lingshi! Did you suffer from some serious internal injury? That's amazing. Crazy saint is coming, you can't run away... "

Your wife has already begun to withdraw.

She was indeed bitten by Wang Lingshi's oath and suffered internal injuries, but she was under pressure from birth. She planned to take her baby to close the door and cultivate herself after this event. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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