Let's not say that Huan Qingyan and the child's life or death are uncertain. Let's say that your wife abducted Huan Qingyan with Jimo Ya on her back, and tried to snatch her child, even if she went to the mother to stay with her son. After the incident was revealed, he actually killed the killer and directly destroyed a mountain to cover up his tracks.

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Such ruthless, so ruthless, regardless of the mother and son's feelings, exist in Jimo family, is simply a time bomb.

Jimo Kaiyuan immediately turns all the information into a crane and flies towards the direction of Jimo family.

There, Jimo Yifan sighed, watching Jimo's life so lost. They watched him grow up and taught him. They really couldn't bear it.

Step forward, also quietly opened the stone, looking for.

Although he sensed that under the rubble, there was no sign of life, and he refused to let Jimo ya give up.

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Looking at the child's paranoid expression at the moment, I'm afraid that he will bring it up, and the child will go crazy!

One of the things, torture people!

Jimo a complex can sense that there is no vitality under the gravel, can't Jimo ya feel it?

Of course he knows, but he can't believe it. He can't stop!

Maybe, maybe Xiaoyan and the children are still alive? As long as you live, as long as you live

Jimo Kaiyuan finished sending Linghe and looked at all the silent and depressing atmosphere in front of him. Rao was so calm that he could not move his heart and could only sigh.

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Just about to say something, I saw the colorful light in the sky. The colorful argali came down from the sky, and a familiar figure came into view. It was Lesheng.

Jimo Kaiyuan immediately welcomed him and explained the matter in two words.

Lesheng nodded and searched carefully with his divine sense. With a wave of his hand, a pile of rubble not far away was lifted, revealing a huge pit.

In the pit, lying a black, long gone breath of the child.

Jimo Ya rushes forward with trembling hands and dares not to stretch out. Isn't the red gold silk soft armor and eight treasure purple cloud patterns wrapped around the child's waist protection just the thing that Huan Qingyan is wearing?

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These protective things are all given to the children. What about the illusion?

Jimo Ya in front of a burst of black, chest blunt pain, he covered the heart, a stumbling, almost fell to the ground.

"What about Xiaoyan? Where is Xiaoyan? " Jimo Ya has a bit of a blank look around.

Not far away from the white dust seal to see the movement here, already exhausted, he tried to move with a faltering pace, anxious to move towards this side.

Lesheng couldn't see it any more. He took a few steps to the side of Jimo and held the child up. After a careful observation, his face was tinged with pain: "anyway, it's my Jimo family's blood. Take it back and talk about it."

Jimo Ya blinked and blinked for a long time before he responded: "is this the blood of my Jimo family? My child? " At the end, the voice trembled.

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Lesheng glared at him with dissatisfaction: "isn't this nonsense? Of course, it's my Jimo family's blood. I was born with outstanding talent. Even Ben Sheng was shocked. But if you pinch your fingers, there will be a disaster of life and death when you are just born. Ben Sheng comes here in a hurry. Who knows it is still a step late! "

Jimo Ya trembled and wanted to touch the child, but his hand reached half, but he did not dare to move forward.

He didn't know what it was like at the moment.

Pain? despair? Guilt? Mixed together, he was almost crushed.

He always thought that Huan Qingyan's arms were the children of demons, and he once wanted Xiaoyan to get rid of the children , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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