Just looking at the busy life of the Baili family, we can see that this celebration was very sincere.

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Because of the birth of Yaosheng, people from the holy yard, the Imperial Palace and other families sent their own important figures to participate in the ceremony to show their respect for the holy man.

The guest house of the Baili family has been arranged to a full capacity, and some people have come in succession.

Shangqiu family sent Shangqiu Mengqian, Nangong family came to Nangong Beichen in person. Chuiyun empire is naturally the representative of Bai CHENFENG.

these three people who have been closely watched by Mohist Wei have already arrived in the Baili family five days ago.

With the indifferent attitude towards Jimo family, the Baili family seems to have a lot of enthusiasm for them.

Jimo Ya tightened her eyebrows and thought in her eyes. Shangqiu Mengqian, the three of them, also came to a hundred Li home, but they didn't find any trace of Yan. Where is Yan in the end?

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everything is unknown and can't be controlled by themselves. Jimo Ya is a bit agitated.

When you look out of the window, you can see that the architecture of Bailijia is very skillful, and the scenery of the guest house is beautiful everywhere. But jimoya has no intention to watch.

The heart slowly sink down, he seems to feel that the Yan wench is more and more far away from himself.

Canglang Academy.

As soon as the holy courtyard spirit spring opened, the four university palaces under the holy courtyard each had its own holy land.

These holy places are linked to the spiritual springs of the holy courtyard. When the spiritual spring starts, the aura will also gush out. Except that the place is smaller and can only accommodate one or two people, the aura concentration is not lower than that of the holy land.

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The fourth holy spring university has been informed of the opening time of this time.

Canglang academy immediately reported to xuelao when he received the news.

Xue Lao is a great hero of the Terran family. For the sake of the Terran, he has to live hard in Canglang Academy. Now it is not easy to have the hope of recovery, of course, it is very happy.

On the day when the spring opened, the holy land was full of aura and almost materialized.

People dare not enter the middle of the holy land, for fear of disturbing xuelao's healing, they can only guard outside the holy land.

Just outside this holy land, only some aura leaked out is more rich than other places.

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The people waiting were not wasted. They all sat down with their knees crossed and began to absorb the aura.

In the holy land, Xue Lao looks calm. He inhales these auras into his body and gathers them all in his chest. He uses his mental method. Those auras run quickly and solidify, and the breath of ice and snow comes out.

Finally, it turned into a heart of ice and snow, slowly sank into the chest, and began to thump.

Xuelao opened his eyes, all the aura around him was inhaled into his body. After a week's operation, the air of ice and snow overflowed, and his eyebrows and hair were covered with a layer of frost.

Lingquan opened only one day. When it was closed, xuelao walked slowly out of the holy land.

All the people waiting outside the Holy Land knew that he had recovered when he saw that he was in a good mood, his face was as usual, and he walked steadily and forcefully.

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Snow old injury recovery, natural refreshing.

I've been confined to Canglang Academy for so many years. I've been moldy for a long time. Now I come out. I'm so proud of myself. I feel so cool!

Xiao Cang, who has been sent to Xiaolang to take care of his apprentice, didn't he go to see Xiao Lang to take care of him first?

Well, I hope it's alive!

Just out of the pass, a crane flew leisurely to his palm and stopped. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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