Representatives of the holy yard, the academy and other families except chuiyun Empire, Nangong and Shangqiu, and Baili three families all came to greet him. He also nodded calmly and exchanged greetings. After a few words, he did not speak again.

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Not far away, Shangqiu Meng Qian looks arrogant. He sits with a Damascus sword and looks like a smile. From time to time, he glances at Jimo Ya with a good posture.

Nangong Beichen's strength has been greatly improved, along with the status of Nangong family, which is close to Shangqiu Mengqian.

Corner of the mouth with a sarcastic irony, looking at Jimo ya.

Since the white dust seal came in, the eyes with killing intention did not leave Jimo ya.

See Jimo Ya behind the four ink can not help but go, Jimo Ya or very calm.

His heart is not not not angry, but he knows that some of these three people must know the whereabouts of Yan wench, coupled with the instructions of Lesheng, he also had to endure.

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Those who can sit in the VIP room are not stupid. They can naturally see the strange atmosphere among the four.

When did the Shangqiu family, the Nangong family and the white family of Zhuyun Empire unite? Seems to be aiming at Jimo's childe ya?

This is a new discovery.

However, none of them is easy to provoke or dare to provoke.

So we all quietly back a few steps, leaving more room for the four to fight in the eyes.

For a moment, the hall was as quiet as a cold cicada, but it was lively and noisy outside, forming a sharp contrast.

At this time, the voice of the singing ceremony officer outside sounded, with a bit of trembling and surprise: "Xun Sheng Lord to!"

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"Lord Lessing is here!"

"Snow saint is here!"


All of a sudden the main hall was quiet.

Today is just the centennial celebration of the hundred Li family. How could three saints come to join us?

Everyone looked curiously at the entrance of the main hall.

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Because bailifeng and bailiren are going to preside over today's sacrifice, it's the elder bailixiu who comes to greet him and apologizes.

Since Sansheng received the post specially sent out by bailifeng, where would he care about these details, so they didn't care much.

They were welcomed into the back hall by Bai Li Xiu. All of them stood up to show their respect for the three saints.

The three and a half saints were put on their seats and sat down. Others gave it back, but Jimo Ya frowned, and then the opportunity to salute quietly asked, "how did uncle come?"

Lesheng comforted him and nodded: "crazy Saint personally next post invitation, we these old guys how also want to give him this thin face!"

Xunsheng and xuelao are familiar with Jimo ya, and they all smile at him.

Jimo ya see snow old, in the heart already had several, specially congratulates the snow old: "congratulation snow old finally heals, small Yan knows, certainly will be happy!"

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Old snow nodded and exchanged greetings with him.

All of them didn't notice that Bai Li Feng heard Xiao Yan's name, and his body was stiff without any trace, and immediately returned to normal.

The rest of the people also went forward to meet the three and a half saints. They were all excited by such a rare opportunity.

As soon as the time of the day arrived, I could hear a few distant and simple bells ringing, which seemed to come down from the mountains.

People who are familiar with the Baili family will change their faces. This is the bell of Wuye temple on the mountain behind the Baili family. The bell will not ring easily and only once in a hundred years.

The sound of the bell is faintly singing with the Buddhist seal, which makes people feel peaceful.

After the nine bells rang, drums and music chimed in unison. It was also the ritual music of sacrifice. It was grand and solemn. It was only when the hall was quiet that it was inside and outside. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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