The hair is only pulled up and fixed with a jade hairpin inlaid with jiaozhu.

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The shoes look very soft and black.

In addition, all over the body, there is no jewelry ornament.

Because of the obvious emaciation in recent months, the face is small, showing a sharp curve of chin, but more and more illusory, eyebrows are not described but green, lips are not dot and red, eyes are like autumn water.

Light took over the veil presented by the maid. This is what she specially asked for. It was prepared by a hundred Li for her. It can isolate the divine sense exploration of the spiritual masters above Wang Lingshi.

After a while, no one could know her true face.

She knows that Jimo Ya has come, but she doesn't want to see him, and she doesn't want to be involved again. That's it! Save time!

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Look at all the people who are indifferent to the mirror and cover them.

There are also people from the hundred mile crazy sage ancestral clan who tell her in detail the matters she needs to pay attention to in the ceremony.

She needs to wait in the side hall. As soon as the auspicious time arrives, it's her turn to appear after the mad sage and the elders of the clan pick up incense and offer sacrifices to Zhu Wenhe.

You need to kneel and kowtow under the statue of Yaosheng, and then wait for the blessing of Yaosheng.

Huan Qingyan's silent side is manipulated by the maids to tidy up the clothes. Make sure that there is no flaw.

After listening to these notes, he only looked up at the visitor and lowered his head.

The visitor is bailifeng's most trusted subordinate. Seeing the indifferent appearance of Huan Qingyan, he couldn't help gritting his teeth. Did this little ancestor hear him clearly? How can I give you a word?

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If you look at me like this and don't say anything, how can I know whether you understand or not?

After a little patience, the visitor bravely opened his mouth in order to ensure the smooth ceremony today: "miss three, do you understand? How could you give me a little response? "

"I've given a response," he said

Come to the crowd.

"I just looked at you." The answer is unreal.

Crazy saint's tears run and retreat.

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The rest of the room maid, carefully looking at the unreal Qingyan without the slightest happy face, all bowed their heads and did not dare to say more.

Huan Qing Yan is happy and quiet.

She doesn't care about anything but practice now.

So there is no sense of belonging to the Baili family crying for her to recognize her ancestors.

It's just that the Baili family saved their lives somehow. Now that they want to become stronger, they have to rely on the power of the Baili family, so they acquiesce.

The name of the family has been changed to "Bai Li Qing Yan", which will be recorded in the genealogy after recognizing and returning to our ancestors. After thousands of years, we can enjoy the incense of later generations.

This kind of honor is rare in a hundred Li family. Even Bai Li Zi Xi is said to have failed to enjoy such treatment. It is said that if there was no accident, she would be recorded in the genealogy on the day of her marriage.

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When it comes to bailizhi, when she wakes up, she would like to ask, what is the relationship between bailizhi and herself when she returns to the Baili family?

But everyone pretended to be stupid and didn't mention it. She knew there must be something wrong with her, but now she is not that silly white sweet. If others don't mention it, she won't mention it.

Anyway, as long as Bai Li Zi Xi doesn't come to hang around in front of her, she doesn't want to go to her for the time being!

When she can be strong enough to be controlled by anyone, she will give a good return!

Thinking of this, Huan Qingyan's eyes flashed, no matter how, today, for the sake of crazy saint, we can't be disgraced, and we've lost the face of a hundred Li family. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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