This man's brain hole is very strange, so that people around him can't help but retreat.

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When Ma De made the staff, could the Baili family do such self digging in front of the holy yard and other families in the academy?

"Is it a woman? The front foot of the false saint was found out by the holy yard, and the back foot would find her own blood. Do you think that there was a change of civet cat for prince in the hundred Li family

"It's not good to say, this kind of big family, it's not good to say that there are so many intrigues in the family. What's the matter of stealing a child?"

One side of the hundred Li family's dark guard hand to bear out the calluses, mother egg, your child is the same as Chinese cabbage, can you change it at will?

Take out the blacklist notebook and write it down. I'll steal his children for replacement another day!

"But don't tell me, although you can't see your face clearly, you are already a gorgeous beauty just by looking at your back! Especially that pair of eyes, tut Tut, is still a cold beauty

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"Shh, you don't want to die. Do you dare to make fun of the people of the hundred Li family? Don't drag us to death

The secret guards of the hundred Li family said that the appearance of the apprentice and his partner, who had dared to comment on their young lady just now, had been remembered. As soon as the ceremony was over, they would set sacks and kill them and throw them into the ditch!

"This is really strange. Since we want to recognize our ancestors and get recognition, why are we so mysterious that we don't dare to see people? Are you too ugly? "


The focus of the discussion was shifted to where I didn't know.

The people in the VIP area are more reserved.

In addition to the eyes flying more than a few times, the secret language more than a few times, finally strained, did not personally discuss.

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But in the heart also silently doubts, this suddenly appears the lineage blood in the end is which side sacred?

Since the Baili family wants everyone to observe the ceremony, that is to introduce her, why do they have to be masked?

In front of me, is this the one who was replaced by Bai Li Zi Xi?

Kebaili family did not find out before, but how to find it now?

In particular, the true and false blood appears, and the interval between them is no more than a month. Is it possible that the Baili family is playing a big game of chess?

For the authenticity of blood, we all look to the Nangong Beichen.

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Did the hundred Li family invite him to observe the blood vessel observing technique handed down by his family?

I have a quick mind. I think of what Nangong Beichen and crazy Saint said in private at that thousand year old banquet?

Is it possible?

Looking at Nangong Beichen's eyes is meaningful.

Nangong Beichen quietly drinks tea and is not in the service area.

After staring for a while, we saw that Nangong and Beichen had no color in their faces. They all believed that the woman in front of her was really the blood of a hundred Li family.

But I don't know what's special about it. Let's be so careful?

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There must be something extraordinary about it. It seems that we should pay close attention to this sudden woman. It can't be said that the Baili family will reshuffle after that!

The elite in the VIP area are more and more eager to look at the unreal Qingyan.

Bai Li Ren burned incense and prayed. He announced that he was the blood of the hundred Li family. He had awakened the blood of ancient times. He brought him to the food saint to show his spirit and give him a blessing.

After praying, Baili Ren handed the incense bundle to Huan Qingyan and asked her to insert it into the censer.

Huan Qingyan takes over the incense bundle, inserts it respectfully into the censer, and then crawls on the futon, kneels down and kowtows nine times to offer sacrifices to the ancestors.

"I'll pay a visit to your ancestors , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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