Jimo Ya such a cold person, see at this time, the corner of the mouth all escaped can't help smiling.

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Not to mention Shangqiu dream thousand and Nangong Beichen, they have gathered together to whisper.

White dust seal cold face, eyes are also soft.

After Yao Sheng's last aura was absorbed by Huan Qingyan, the pressure also disappeared. He, bailifeng and several other elders immediately stood around Huan Qingyan to protect the Dharma.

They are worried that if they are not afraid of death and don't have a clear mind, it doesn't matter if they die. The Baili family can't afford to lose.

At the moment, I opened my eyes and the breath on my body was stable. I just relaxed and was about to speak.

Strange change again!

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Generally speaking, it takes a lot of aura to become a Xuanling master in the Jin stage, and the aura generated by the interaction between heaven and earth will be completely absorbed by the people of Jin stage.

The reason for this is that the spirit left by Yao Sheng is too sufficient. After the Jin Dynasty, there is still a lot of vitality that has not been absorbed. The counter rotating is still on her head.

Especially in the sunset, those auras are still flowing in the air.

It's amazing.

Under the brilliant glow, even aura has been dyed with color, red, as if it is a continuous sea of spiritual fire.

This sea of aura and fire is still slowly pressing down, just like a sea of fire hanging over the heads of people, giving people a lot of pressure.

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Some psychological quality is not enough, at the moment, pale face, feel as if surrounded by the sea of fire, burning people can not help but sweat down.

People are at a loss about this scene. They have never seen such a situation. According to the turbulent degree of aura, it seems that who wants to be promoted?

Is it that this is the God chosen by God to continue? What is the special treatment of the God elect who is personally handed down by the food saint?

There are those who want to rub some aura, who want to absorb some aura for their own use.

Anyway, there are so many auras that you can't find out if you absorb a little?

But as soon as the aura entered the body, those who rubbed against the cheap could not help screaming.

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This aura looks like a fire. After entering the body, it is really burning, just like a flame. It seems to burn the aura and muscles in the human body into ashes.

The scream immediately attracted everyone's attention. In the past, several people covered their half burnt hands or arms and wailed and rolled on the ground.

It's brutal.

Let's look at those who roll on the ground and look at the oppressive aura and fire in the sky. They are both awed.

Jimo Ya in the eyes of a flash of dark light, he was promoted to God elect, also did not appear such a situation.

Is it because the God elect of Baili family is the reason why Yaosheng inherited it in person?

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but at the beginning, the spiritual power given by Yaosheng was yellow, which represented the defense, which was vigorous and steady.

However, the aura on everyone's head is full of aggression and red light. It is obviously a fire system.

Is it because of the promotion of the chosen one, there are other friars who have aroused resonance and will be promoted?

This is not only Jimo Ya's view, but also most of the speculation.

When Huan Qingyan broke through the bottleneck, he opened his eyes. He felt a burst of fever at his wrist, and his divine sense passed by. Feitian pig greedily absorbed aura. At the moment, he had turned his stomach, and his two fleshy wings could only flutter two times. It seemed that he wanted to turn it over.

After half a day's futility, he gave up helplessly. Seeing Huan Qingyan, he noticed himself at the moment, and immediately rubbed over to seek comfort. In this way, he could still see that he was assiduously absorbing aura. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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