Jimo Ya eyes move, chick Phoenix? No wonder long Lingbao couldn't control himself and jumped up.

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This is that it senses its most suitable double cultivation spiritual treasure. The attraction between the two makes it almost unable to control itself.

Jimo Ya is a joy, did not think Xiaoyan's pig Lingbao actually evolved into a chick Phoenix, and their own dragon Lingbao is a perfect match.

This is not proof that the two are a pair of heaven and earth, no one can separate, even the spirit treasure is so fit.

But as soon as he saw the quiet and indifferent eyes under Xiaoyan's veil, he was worried again. Originally, Xiao Yan misunderstood himself as a jerk who could give up her for the sake of Lingbao's double cultivation. Long Lingbao, a hopeless man, was so unconcerned when he saw Xiaofeng. What did Xiaoyan think?

Immediately order long Lingbao to come back. Don't get dizzy when you see her.

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Long Lingbao where to give up, mother egg! All of them have been single for many years. It's hard to see a girl named Lingbao who is made in heaven and earth. The master is so ruthless and unreasonable to let himself go back?

Is this human work?

as a qualified master, shouldn't you be obliged to help Lingbao find the other half? But after all, the owner's wishes can't be violated. No matter how reluctant long Lingbao is, he still reluctantly rubs the tail of Huo Xiaofeng with his tail.

She was scratched open by the fire chick's paw.

By the way, in the consciousness with the illusory inclined Yan to complain: "master, there is a dragon to tease me!"

Huan Qing looks at longlingbao's owner Jimo Ya without expression, and looks at longlingbao again. He replies faintly: "for the rogue dragon, scratch it to death!"

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Huo Xiaofeng scratched open longlingbao. Longlingbao naturally felt Xiaofeng's resistance and unhappiness to it, and she went back to Jimo Ya's wrist and cried.

Jimo Ya apologetic Chong Huan smile.

Don't open your eyes if you don't see it. The cold eyes can't see the emotion.

Jimo Ya in the heart of Deng, Xiao Yan seems to have a big opinion on himself?

As for Ji Mo Ya's psychology, Huan Qing Yan doesn't have time to manage.

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At the moment, Huo Xiaofeng has been born and has been struck by six thunders. Each time the thunder comes down, the feathers on her body are bright and her body grows a circle.

At the moment, it is already from the palm big, the birth was split into the size of a baby, three phoenix tail feathers, also more dazzling.

It's not thunder chop. It's a perfect complement to send points!

Some of the saints began to see the great hall.

"This is Xiaoyan's treasure in Jin Dynasty! Ha ha ha, this is not the Tianjie thunder, this is the quench body thunder! It is specially used to quench the body of the spirit treasure of the God level, and it is used for the Jin stage... "

"Oh, indeed! I was almost blind. "

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Tianlei is still on

People were stunned to witness a ball was split into a palm of a Phoenix, and robbed thunder split into the size of a teenager.

As soon as the nine heavenly thunder passes, the clouds and fog in the sky disappear. Now it is the evening time. Several stars are hanging high. The night wind blows, and the residual aura in the air overflows, which is fresh and fresh.

Fire chick Phoenix's real body is also in the air.

The golden head is high, the wings are colorful and glittering, and the gorgeous red flame tail feathers drag behind. When the wings are waving, the Phoenix flame cuts through the night sky and almost lights up the whole hundred Li family.

A long song, the night sky, poulenglengleng fly to countless birds, all around the chicks singing, to express the feelings of submission and congratulations. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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