Goodbye to the idiot system

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Yue Xiuzhi lost his life to the poison. When he was poisoned, he immediately wanted to get rid of it. However, Pei Ming said that if he killed himself, he would destroy the whole Jiuhuaxiao. He had to stay in this dark room for nine days and watched himself gradually become a skeleton.

In a trance, he saw a dark gold dress appeared in front of his eyes, and his eyes moved up, and he saw a pair of cold and cynical phoenix eyes.

All right… I can finally wash my hands after finishing this job

At the last moment before his body died, the voice of the system sounded.

[The host has completed the ultimate task and gained 400000 points. The accumulated points are 1.15 million. Do you want to spend 1 million points to open the door of retrospection and return to the real world and revive the body without vital signs?]


[The door of the past has been opened. One million points will be deducted, leaving 150000 points.]

So Yue Xiuzhi stopped breathing with the expectation of returning to reality.


In fact, he thought that once he opened his eyes, he would see a white ceiling belonging to the hospital, and then his mouth and nose would be filled with the smell of disinfectant. Then he’d heard the surprise cries of his parents and little sister, and then he would see them swarming around his hospital bed, telling him that he was finally awake.

However, there was nothing.

He woke up in an ancient and familiar room, which was his residence in Jiuhuaxiao for more than 20 years.

What happened?

Even if he didn’t go back to the real world, he shouldn’t wake up here. If he didn’t die, Pei Ming, who has no conscience, wouldn’t let him stay here.

[System, what’s going on?]

[That what …… hosts …… that what ……]

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The attitude of the system is also unprecedented. He has spent most of his life with this broken system. This product has always been a stubborn, businesslike, and ruthless one. It has never been such a twisted, taciturn fool.

So a bad feeling came to Yue Xiu’s mind.

[What’s the matter?! Tell me quickly!]

[That… there was a little accident… Because the real world will break the static state of time relative to the host after opening the door of regression, and return to the normal flow rate. But the door of regression encountered the turbulence of time and space, which delayed some time, and then… the host’s body has already been cremated…]

what the fuck! I’m cremated now?! People can be cremated three days after death. How much time have you wasted!!

Yue Xiuzhi tried to suppress his anger and continued to ask, [What should I do now?]

[If your body is cremated, you can’t go back to the original world. Because this is our major mistake, we spent a lot of energy to send you to the parallel space and time of this world. You were more than 20 years ago when Pei Ming was five years old. Since this is not the real world of the plot, you can act freely here without observing any arrangement of the plot.]

Yue Xiuzhi spent some time to calm down and get angry with the system——

[And then what? I have been abused in this ghost place for most of my life for the big cake you said could be revived. Don’t you know that I want to go back crazy! Now that the cake is gone, you will throw me in this ghost place as compensation? How can there be such a good thing in the world!]

The system has followed countless hosts through countless worlds. How long could it last? When has it been scolded so badly? But this time it was really their fault, so he explained the situation to the headquarters and applied for compensation.

A few seconds later, the system said, [I have applied to the headquarters for your compensation. First, your points can be increased by ten times, which means you can enjoy the various functions of the system store and the system at will. Second, we found that your mother has been suffering from lung cancer in the middle stage, and she is not aware of it at present, which will further deteriorate. We can greatly improve the health of your three direct relatives and ensure their long life. In addition, we will give them an additional legal wealth. This It is the biggest compensation we can make.]

Yue Xiuzhi seriously thought about it, and he knew that it was really a great compensation. Now he doesn’t need to follow the plot in this world, and there are huge system credits to use. Despite his inability to return to the real world, this golden finger is already so big that it can almost be said to be invincible in this world. In addition, it can make your family healthy all the time, which is an advantage that countless people can’t get even if they die.

After thinking for a while, Yue Xiuzhi gradually accepted the reality. There is nothing wrong with the world. There are also many good people. But before, he could only be an abused villain because of the plot. Now, without the shackles of the plot, he can naturally live happily.

But… I can’t see my parents and younger sister again, I can’t be filial to my parents, I can’t watch my younger sister go to college, I can’t watch her marry, I can’t protect her life, I can’t let my parents know that he is not dead, he is still living well in a world they don’t know

[Do you accept it, host?]

[… Accepted.]

[Then I’m leaving. Your task is over, and the headquarters has assigned me the next task. If you have any problems, you can contact me with customer service.]

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Hearing this, Yue Xiuzhi suddenly froze. [System, are you leaving?]

The system did not expect that the host who had quarreled with him for more than 20 years would still be reluctant to part with himself. He was slightly moved and comforted him with a voice. [There is no banquet that will not end. If you are thinking of me, please contact me with customer service…]

Unexpectedly, Yue Xiuzhi suddenly gave a shout of joy and sent him several dancing facial expression figures. Even the font wanted to turn into a happy shape

System: […]

I thought you were reluctant to part with me

Yue Xiuzhi sent out [Caring for the mentally handicapped. jpg] and [Laughing out loud. jpg] facial expressions, and threw a lot of ridicule at the system. [What are you like? You don’t have a B number in your heart. How hateful! Ten systems and nine dregs, you are the rest – you are so dreary and cheap!]

The system was scolded enough to suspect life and left this indifferent host.


The original name of Yue Xiuzhi is Yue Shize. He was a highly paid programmer. It’s nothing special. Like ordinary people, it has parents and sisters, several good brothers, and several girlfriends.

To put it bluntly, his face is still relatively high. When he was in college, he was a college grass and looked like the flower of the high mountains. But everyone who knew him knew him, and he was very wavy.

His brother sometimes joked with him and said, “Maybe you are the legendary winner in life. You can afford to play, dare to counsel and dare to make waves. The most important thing is that you are handsome and have money.”

Yue Xiuzhi just laughed at it. When others envied him, he thought he was nothing special, but he was hated by others.

The hateful Yue Xiuzhi had a naive misfortune. He got an electric shock at home and lost his hair.

After his death, he met this stupid system and said that he was allowed to transmigrate into a very popular book on XXX website. He said that the real world was called the original world by them, among which the popular film and television novels would give birth to a derivative world in thousands of human ideas.

However, due to the instability of ideas, these derived worlds often deviate from the trajectory, interfere with the original world and cause damage. In order to ensure that the derivative world does not deviate from its trajectory, these systems were born.

In short, the system told him that the main problem in the world was the absence of a villain, so the task of Yue Xiuzhi was to play the villain, and after that, he would be able to revive.

The villain is the master of the protagonist, but he was very unfriendly to the protagonist, and later died miserably – (see the first paragraph of this chapter for details) – and was poisoned to death by the protagonist.

That’s half the job, isn’t it? The stupid system told him that there were several important supporting role missing, such as the protagonist’s harem who saved the half dead protagonist in a secret place. After a closer look, they were all decent people in the protagonist’s camp.

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The system says that he doesn’t need to play the role of these people again, but he should provide the protagonist with help with the same effect at the same time

Yue Xiuzhi had to do the same work as a helping tool. He hid his identity to help the protagonist, and finally was killed by the protagonist who didn’t know anything.

Thinking of this, Yue Xiuzhi got up and helped his forehead. The protagonist of this world is Pei Ming. The system just said that Pei Ming is five years old this year, which is also the age when he entered Jiuhuaxiao.

With this in mind, a young man in blue came in and said respectfully, “Venerable one, the selection of disciples will begin soon.”

The selection of disciples is about to begin? That is to say, Pei Ming hasn’t started yet?

Yue Xiuzhi was secretly happy.

This is a high demon world, which is divided into the spirit world and the devil world. Human beings live in the spirit world and use the aura between heaven and earth to practice. When people are cultivating, they need to stimulate the spirit channels in their bodies to absorb the spirit qi. Therefore, the number and size of spiritual veins determine a person’s talent.

Pei Ming was tested to be the best talent of the nine veins in the selection of Jiuhuaxiao’s disciples, which shocked the whole Jiuhuaxiao. Therefore, he was taken under the highest warrior of the Nine-Hua Xiao, Fatan-zunzhe, also known as Yue Xiu Zhi, and became his only disciple.

But later, Yue Xiuzhi in the original work found that Pei Ming, although he had nine veins, did not have any cultivation talent. No matter how much spiritual energy he absorbed, it would sink into the sea, and even the most ordinary human would be superior to him. Even more, Yue Xiuzhi found that he carried a demonic nature in him.

The first Master of Jiuhuaxiao, the only disciple of the Fatan-zunzhe who abhorred demonic cultivation was actually a demon, if such a scandal became known to the outside world, both Fatan-zunzhe and Jiuhuaxiao would become the laughing stock of the world. So Jiuhuaxiao’s  patriarch blocked the news.

With that, Pei Ming stayed in the original body’s (i.e. Yue Xiuzhi) Liu Ya Peak.




[TL note: Jiuhuaxiao (九华霄): The phrase “beyond the clouds” refers to the extremely high places in the sky. It is a poem written by Liu Yuxi in the Tang Dynasty, “Climbing the Qiling Temple Pagoda with Lotte”. Can be translated as Sky Realm

Master (Gāoshǒu/高手): It means a person who excels in a certain skill; a person who is proficient in a certain field, or who ranks high in that field.

Liu Ya (琉琊):

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Liu: glazed , opaque

Ya: a place in eastern Shandong.

Character formation: 王 [ wáng ] king, ruler; royal; surname

邪 [ xié ] wrong, evil, demonic; perverse, depraved, heterodox

Péi Míng (裴明):

Pei: Derived from the surname Ying , “Tongzhi Clan Brief” records that the surname Pei is a descendant of Boyi , and according to the records of the Pei’s epitaph unearthed in the Tang Dynasty, the Pei family generally believed that the first ancestor of the family was the son of Qin Huan Gong.

Boyi was given the surname Ying by Emperor Shun because he helped Yu control the water, and was the ancestor of the ancient surname Ying . Boyi was the ancestor of the Qin , Zhao and Xu royal families during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

Ming: the character symbolize light. It means bright, open, clear, and profound.

Yuè xiūzhī (越修之):

Yue:The Yue surname comes from the Si surname. Some people say that it came from the Mi surname.

Legend has it that during the time of the Han Dynasty Emperor Shun, Jiu Ji’s wife, Xiou Ji, was the daughter of the Yuxin clan, and became pregnant after eating the coix plant and gave birth to Yu. Therefore, after Yu succeeded in healing the water, Shun gave the surname Si (the same sound as Si Coix in the ancient times) to Yu.

Xiu: Its original meaning originally refers to decorate with ease, elaborate beautification, later extended to transformation, remediation, and also derived to study, pursuit, perfection, etc.

Zhi: The original meaning is to go to, to…where. The whole word can also be understood as a person’s feet on the ground, thus resulting in the meaning of affiliation, belonging and possession ,

Venerable Fatan (伐檀尊者):

Fatan/Vatan(伐檀): The poem “Vatan” is from “The Book of Songs”, a poem from “National Wind – Wei Feng”, a folk song of the state of Wei, with 3 chapters and 27 lines, reflecting the discontent of the lower and middle classes of society against the rulers at the top, and is a poem mocking the exploiters for eating without working. The whole poem strongly reflects the resentment of the working people against the rulers at that time, and moreover senses the awakening of the class consciousness of the exploited. The resentful slaves raised a bold and just rebuke to the parasites of society that don’t work but eat. It is one of the most representative poems against exploitation and oppression in the Book of Songs.

The Classic of Poetry, also Shijing or Shih-ching, translated variously as the Book of SongsBook of Odes, or simply known as the Odes or Poetry (詩; Shī), is the oldest existing collection of Chinese poetry, comprising 305 works dating from the 11th to 7th centuries BCE.

Venerable(Zūn zhě/尊者): honored sir (a person of higher status or seniority, or a Buddhist monk)]

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